
Stop searching for the scene you want to open

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


A powerful tool designed to enhance your workflow by providing a faster and more efficient way to switch between scenes in Unity.

Key Features

  • Efficient Scene Navigation
    Say goodbye to manually searching through the Unity Editor's project window or having to remember scene names. With the Scenes Browser, you can quickly locate and switch between scenes directly from a dedicated window, streamlining your workflow.

  • Pinning/Favoriting Scenes


openupm add com.tf.scenebrowser
  • Project supports Unity Package Manager. To install the project as a Git package do the following:
  1. In Unity, open Window -> Package Manager.
  2. Press the + button, choose "Add package from git URL..."
  3. Enter "https://github.com/Theo-Farnole/Unity-SceneBrowser.git#main" and press Add.


Open the window by selecting Tools → Scene Browser in the Unity toolbar.