Pinned Repositories
I am sharing my Journey of 300DaysOfData in Machine Learning and Deep Learning.
I am sharing my Journey of 66DaysofData in Natural Language Processing.
Building GPT ...
The repository is dedicated towards the implementation of Computer Vision.
I will implement Fastai in each projects present in this repository.
I will share about Machine Learning and Deep Learning.
Complete implementation of Llama2 with/without KV cache & inference 🚀
Preparation for Machine Learning Interview
The repository contains a list of projects which I will work on while learning and implementing MLOps.
The repository will contain a list of projects which we will work on while reading the books of Natural Language Processing & Transformers.
ThinamXx's Repositories
I have built a Model using Random Forest Regressor of California Housing Prices Dataset to predict the price of the Houses in California.
I am working on implementing Machine Learning Algorithms from scratch.
The repository contains a list of projects which I have worked while reading the book Approaching Any Machine Learning Problem.
In this repository, I have worked out on the Large Movie Review Dataset for the Sentiment Analysis of Text. I have Implemented the CNN, RNN and LSTM to predict the Sentiment of the Text Data.
In this repository, you will gain insights about various Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithms implementation on real data sets along with Visualizations.
In this repository, I have created a model which recognizes Happy Face, Sad Face, Surprise Face, Angry Face and Laughing Face using Python, Fastai API and Convolutional Neural Networks.
In this repository, I have included a Notebook which contains the Implementation of LSA, LDA and LDIA in Semantic Analysis. I have presented all the Code Snippets with proper Documentation and I hope you will gain Insights about Semantic Analysis with LSA and LDIA.
Here, I have prepared a Chatbot using Sequence to Sequence Neural Networks. I hope you will gain insights about the Implementation of Sequence to Sequence Learning in Chabot.
I have prepared a pretrained Neural Network Model which helps in Image Classification. The Model can classify 120 different breeds of dogs.
I have build a LSTM Model using Trax which can identify the Duplicate Questions or Similar Questions which is useful when we have to work with several versions of the same Questions.
In this repository I have performed the Text Analysis of Amazon Reviews Dataset using only TensorFlow and TensorBoard. I hope you will gain some insights about the Implementation of TensorFlow here.
I have prepared a Neural Networks Model which helps in recognizing the object on an image.
I have prepared a Model which can translate English Language to French Language with above 80% accuracy. I have used Tensorflow and Keras for this Project.
In this repository, I have worked on the Sentiment Analysis of YELP Reviews Dataset using PyTorch. I hope you will gain some insights about the Implementation of PyTorch in Natural Language Processing.
Hey there!! Here, I have included the basic programs of C Programming Language.
In this repository, I have built Movie Recommendation System using approach which was built on top of PyTorch. You can get insights about the Implementation of Fastai in building Recommendation System easily with high accuracy.
In this repository, I have used Fastai Datasets to perform Image Segmentation and I have checked the accuracy of the Model. For this project, I have used Fastai Library to create the model and to check the accuracy.
In this repository, I have used CNN to MNIST Digit Classification Dataset. You can get insights about Convolutional Neural Network and its implementation for Handwritten Digit Classification.
I have worked in Surname Classification Model Inferring Demographic Information which has applications from Product Recommendations to ensuring fair outcomes for users across different Demographics. I hope you will gain some insights.
In this repository, you will gain insights about the Sentiment Analysis of Text document with the Implementation of NLTK, TF-IDF, and LogisticRegression.
In this Project, I have prepared a Deep Convolutional Neural Network Model which can classify the 43 different classes of Traffic Signs Images with above 90% accuracy. You can get insights about the Implementation of Convolutional Neural Network in Image Classification and so on. Thank you !!
Hey there!! In this Project I have tried to answer the simple Questions about the TV, Halftime Shows and the Big Games. It will give you some insights about Pandas as well. I have done this Project in Jupyter Notebook using Python Programming Language !!
While I'm not a fan nor a hater of the Kardashians and Jenners, the polarizing family intrigues me. Why? Their marketing prowess. Say what you will about them and what they stand for, they are great at the hype game. Everything they touch turns to content.
In this repository, I have used Convolutional Neural Network with InceptionV3 trained on Imagenet to classify Cats vs Dogs. It is one of competition from Kaggle. Hope you can get insights about implementation of CNN.
In this repository, I have used Library to classify the IMDb reviews and measure the accuracy of Model. You can get insights about the implementation of Library in Natural Language Processing.
I have prepared a Attention Model for Natural Language Inference.
Here, I have prepared a Neural Networks Style Transfer Model.
In this repository, I have worked on Image Data from one of the Kaggle Competition. Hope you will gain insights about Image Data analysis.
Hey there!! Mobile apps are everywhere. They are easy to create and can be lucrative. Because of these two factors, more and more apps are being developed. In this Project, I have done a comprehensive analysis of the Android app market by comparing over ten thousand apps in Google Play across different categories.
In this repository, I have performed Topic Modeling using Singular Value Decomposition and Non Negative Matrix Formation along with TFIDF Count Vectors.