Authors: Thomas Brazier1 and Sylvain Glémin1
Institutions: (1) UMR 6553 ECOBIO, University of Rennes
This pipeline is a BETA version in active development (use the main
branch as dev
regularly break things). It is fully functional but not error-prone and not optimized (e.g. better use of parallelism). Please report bugs and errors for improvement.
Strict dependencies must be installed before first run:
- conda
- snakemake
- singularity (> 3.0)
After installing dependencies, clone the github directory where you want to perform computations. The github directory will be your working directory.
git clone
LDpop must be installed locally from the github directory:
git clone ldpop/
In addition, Singularity images are required for additional softwares. Run within the working directory:
singularity pull faststructure.sif docker://tombrazier/faststructure
singularity pull ldhat.sif docker://tombrazier/ldhat:v1.0
singularity pull ldhot.sif docker://tombrazier/ldhot:v1.0
singularity pull smcpp.sif docker://terhorst/smcpp:latest
To install conda environments at the first run of the pipeline, use
snakemake -s data_preprocessing.snake --use-conda --conda-create-envs-only
snakemake --use-conda --conda-create-envs-only
Pre-generated look-up tables are necessary for LDhat. Make sure to download them in the working directory.
wget && gunzip lk_files/*.gz
Required input files are:
- '.vcf.gz' in bgzipped format
- '.chromosomes' is a list of chromosome names (one name per row)
- a 'samplelist' file (optional) if you wish to subset a list of individuals from the original dataset
Put your <dataset>
directory into ./data
By default, working directory is data/
. To run in a different directory, change the value in config.yaml
or in command line.
You can configure your pipeline in the config.yaml
You need a first step of data preprocessing to infer the number of independent genetic populations in the sample (based on FastStructure [1]) and output summary statistics to choose the most appropriate population in further analyses. It produces a file structure/poplist.*.*
which contains the list of individuals to sample in the main pipeline.
ncores=<number of cores to use>
snakemake -s workflow/Snakefile --use-conda --use-singularity --cores $ncores -j $ncores --until k_statistics --config dataset=<dataset> chromosome=<chromosome>
Once population structure is inferred from 'popstatistics.', 'structure/chooseK' and 'structure/distruct..svg', run the main pipeline for a and a single after specifying the chosen number of genetic clusters to consider and the to sample in your config.yaml.
snakemake -s workflow/Snakefile --use-conda --use-singularity --cores $ncores --config dataset=<dataset> --K <K> --pop <pop> --chrom <chromosome>
You can also decide that you are not interested in recombination hotspot detection
snakemake -s workflow/Snakefile --use-conda --use-singularity --cores $ncores --until Rmd_report --config dataset=<dataset> --K <K> --pop <pop> --chrom <chromosome>
Alternatively, you can use the Singularity launcher script and modify it for your custom needs. <dataset> <chromosome>
# or
singularity <dataset> <chromosome>
At the current stage, you can run as many as you want in parallel, as directories are isolated, but only one at a time to avoid interferences beween Snakemake parallel processes accessing the same files. This issue is on a list of future improvements. Only one population can be sampled in a sample directory. For analysing more than one population, duplicate the sample directory.
VCF trimming is done by vcftools.
- maf
- missing
- maxmissing
- minQ. Filter with vcftools based on a minimum Quality value per site. Set
value to 0 if your vcf does not have Quality values.
After subsampling the population, the genotypes are phased with ShapeIt2 [2].
Verify that contig length are annotated in the vcf file header as they are necessary at the phasing step.
Selfing individuals can be highly homozygotes. Thus diploid genomes are exact duplicates. If you want to sample only one phased genome for those species (one haploid genome), you can set the pseudodiploid: 1
option, otherwise set it to pseudodiploid: 0
If pseudodiploid: 1
, only one phased haploid genome per individual will be sampled and two individuals will be mixed for compatibility with LDhat
which accepts diploid vcf only. Twice as much individuals will be sampled to gather the "pseudodiploid" vcf.
For example, if pseudodiploid: 1
, 80 individuals are sampled and only one haploid genome of each one of them are sampled to assemble a diploid vcf with 40 diploid mixed individuals, hence false diploids.
Recombination rates are estimated with LDhat
Theta must be specified in the config.yaml
file. The look-up table will be computed from a pre-generated one with the lkgen
function of LDhat. A maximum of 100 haploid individuals is allowed (50 diploids). If you specify a theta
different of 0.01 or 0.001, a complete look-up table will be computed, which require extra time.
LDhat requires large SNP datasets but processing millions of SNPs can be computationally limiting. To circumvent this problem, you can run the pipeline with optimized steps to cut LDhat processes in chunks of thoudands of SNPs (default 2,000 SNPs overlapping by 200 SNPs). Use the option large_sample: "yes"
Recombination hotspots are inferred from results of LDhat with LDhot [4].
Some steps are multithreaded with GNU parallel. Do not forget to set up the number of cores properly.
The input files required for the pipeline are:
, a tabix vcf file, bgzippedsamplelist
, a one column text file with a list of individuals to keep from the original vcf
Output files of LDhat and LDhot are placed in data/<dataset>/K*.pop*/ldhat
and data/<dataset>/K*.pop*/ldhot
. ldhat/*.res.txt.gz
contains the recombination rates estimated between the SNP n-1 and the SNP n. ldhot/*.hotspots.txt.gz
and ldhot/*.hot_summary.txt.gz
contain the recombination hostpots inferred with LDhot.
Read the LDhat and LDhot manuals for further details on output files.
- Only one chromosome at a time, at least until the rule 'split_chromosome' has been successfully passed one time
- contig length in the vcf file are required for SMC++
[1] Raj, A., Stephens, M., & Pritchard, J. K. (2014). fastSTRUCTURE: variational inference of population structure in large SNP data sets. Genetics, 197(2), 573-589.
[2] Delaneau, O., Zagury, J. F., & Marchini, J. (2013). Improved whole-chromosome phasing for disease and population genetic studies. Nature methods, 10(1), 5-6.
[3] Auton, A., Myers, S., & McVean, G. (2014). Identifying recombination hotspots using population genetic data. arXiv preprint arXiv:1403.4264.
[4] Auton, A., Myers, S., & McVean, G. (2014). Identifying recombination hotspots using population genetic data. arXiv preprint arXiv:1403.4264.