
Drone acrobatics ROS workspace as documented in Master Degree Thesis (2021) "Intelligent Systems for Next Generation Drone Functionality", 2021 Proceedings of Artificial Lives Lab, link below

Primary LanguagePython

FlightArenaSwarmStack (FASST)

⚠️ Busy migrating to ROS2, please check ROS1 branch for original work/readme.


Run instructions

Github passkey/OS passcode: txa@zone2$ cat ~/home/txa/codes

$ unityhub
# Tested with ROS_UNITY_FollowingTutorial (Unity 2020.3)

$ docker run -it --rm -p 10000:10000 foxy /bin/bash
$ ros2 run ros_tcp_endpoint default_server_endpoint --ros-args -p ROS_IP:= -p ROS_TCP_PORT:=10000

USB:txa@zone2 has Ubuntu20.04 set up with persistence

  • Partitions | 30G/; 30G/home;
  • After initial install: (without install local ros2) | 13.8G/; 19.9G/home
  • After Ros2 setup: ( minus 10.9GB from ros2 built from source) | 13.2G/; 18.4G/home

USB Storage suggestions (~txa):

I deactivated updates, removed unnecessary software https://linuxconfig.org/disable-automatic-updates-on-ubuntu-20-04-focal-fossa-linux https://linuxnightly.com/how-to-disable-automatic-updates-in-ubuntu/ *Keep OBS Studio for demoes but regularly remove excess videos (automatic?TBD) *rosdep-update/apt-upgrade executed once | NOT purged but I do not recommend it (low on storage: might remove opencv 500MB; might remove pcl/mocap 800MB).

USB Architecture choices:

Installed docker-engine, requires Ubuntu 18.04 and up ie. 64-bit arch

https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/ https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/linux-postinstall/

Installed ros2 docker with preinstalled ros msgs (starting point)

Used docker for: ROS2 docker ("foxy") with port 1000 -> local Unity install. git clone https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/Unity-Robotics-Hub.git https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/Unity-Robotics-Hub/blob/main/tutorials/ros_unity_integration/setup.md

Installed local ros for testing the Crazyswarm2 framework

https://docs.ros.org/en/dashing/Installation/Ubuntu-Install-Debians.html $ sudo apt install libpcl-dev https://imrclab.github.io/crazyswarm2/installation.html

Installed unityhub, adapted to linuxes 18.04 and 20.04 only


USB --fixes:

Grub fix for USB bootloader


ROS Install fails build-essential

libsqlite3-dev : Depends: libc6-dev but it is not going to be installed libc6-dev : Depends: libc6 (= 2.31-0ubuntu9.7) but 2.31-0ubuntu9.9 is to be installed SOLVED BY: https://serverfault.com/questions/993576/debian-apt-install-build-essential-fails-because-of-unmet-dependencies sudo aptitude install g++ sudo aptitude -f install build-essential

ISSUE WITH acl.c fatal error

iustin/pylibacl#11 sudo apt install libacl1-dev ONCE build-essential works: rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro dashing -y --skip-keys "console_bridge fastcdr fastrtps libopensplice67 libopensplice69 rti-connext-dds-5.3.1 urdfdom_headers" apt: command [sudo -H apt-get install -y libopencv-dev] failed apt-get install python3-dev libtinyxml2-dev

Original ROS1 Swarm Stack

a library of well-known swarm behaviors built with ROS 1 upon the Crazyswarm open-source project.

See: https://github.com/ThomasCarstens/swarmStack_flightarena/tree/ros1

1. Encapsulating multi-step tasks.

*from single-robot commands to dynamic management.*

2. Encapsulating swarm instructions.

*multi-robot instructions encapsulated within the multi-step tasks.*

3. Encapsulating individual task execution.

*Robot-specific instructions encapsulated within the swarm instructions.*