
Experimentation with the python Dash library: v1.0 proof of concept.

Primary LanguagePython


Experimentation with the python Dash library: v3.0 snapshots of work processes.

clearing_data_exploration AT_realtime_bar
First few tests onboarding the Pixhawk on a random drone. Final field tests with the home-built drone.

Custom dashboards, including one for the Flight Arena:

WEB_arcade_dashboard_1(1) WEB_arcade_dashboard_1(2)
Measures of latency on the Flight Arena. Thesis-related. Hover tests on the Flight Arena.

Complete sensor dashboard:

invivo_dashboard_1(1) invivo_dashboard_1(2)
Exploring all sensors recorded via Pixhawk. Data is trimmed dynamically.

Specific data exploratory dashboards for gesture piloting (Thesis-related)

scrutiny_dashboard_1 CT_piloting_graphs
Gesture Piloting: Overview graphs Placing human gestures within the trajectory. Thesis-related.

And more

CT_smlatency AT_correlate_graphs
Latency Tests of Collision Interface. Thesis-related. Start of Vibration Data analysis, a Template.
AT_article_graphs CT_collision_static
Some vibration data analysis, some atmosphere data analysis. Wifi strength overlaid on drone positions. Experimental.
CT_collision_realtime AT_adc2gps_clean
[Too large]
Attempt at real-time drone movement. Experimental. Taking the Pixhawk for a walk. The barometer freaked out.

Some non-Dash animations:

Lighting scan exercise Biggest Changes on Field
[Too large]
Lighting Data Acquisition. First measure of LHT11 effectiveness. Changes in lux/m of lighting
Humidity scan exercise Biggest Changes on Field
[Too large]
Humidity Data Acquisition. First measure of LHT11 effectiveness. Changes in %/m of humidity
Latency Animation Vs. Trajectory plotting.
[Too large]
Timeline of trajectories: Every hump is a spiralling event triggered by a collision. We find a way to determine the latency.