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Report Generation for the Entry Level Gate Assessment Survey

What is this?


  • Qualtrics survey filled by all coaches
  • The last coach clicks on 'Generate Report'
  • Report is sent to email that corresponds to their lab.

This repository only includes the Google Sheets programmation using Google App Scripts. This programmation generates and sends the report automatically when the coach clicks on 'Generate Report'.

Why is this here?

Since there might be extensive tweaking of the project, this version is saved as an initial working version.

So the project works?

  • It works when the webapp is deployed by my personal email (1) and when 'Anyone' is set to use it (2)
  • But as we moved to a new Venture Labs Google Workspace, we found that my work email can deploy it (1) but 'Only Unternehmertum Members' can use it (2).
  • Solution Suggestion: we need to create a new email to deploy it (1) and find a way for 'Anyone' or at least Qualtrics to use it (2).

Thank you

To Stefano and Lucia for letting me join their Focus Team, and best of luck to Alex with the final touches !

Link to Google Sheets

As of now the Google Sheet that is associated to the project is stored on the Sustainability Venture Lab's Google Workspace here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xr4f3sH_19781VnWFZS36aV3CzNGDx6xMj5cvJvXt3U/edit#gid=740621811 A backup is stored here in case: 18.03 FORM.xlsx
