
Tutorial content for a. Merging technologies with ROS and b. the foundations of behaviour planning. Initially for members of the Drone Lab at the De Vinci Innovation Center.

Primary LanguagePython

txa@dvic: projects-tutos

2 projects to get to grips with a. Merging technologies with ROS and b. the foundations of behaviour planning

Please use this github properly

So that you stay in the loop as I update the repository!

  • Learn to use Github: at least using $git clone [repo], $git add ., $git commit -m "...", $git push and for our purposes, $git pull.
  • I made a video that presents this (start at the 435s mark): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAdW7aKZBac&t=435s&ab_channel=ThomasCarstens
  • Star this repository for notifications of any changes
  • Make sure to $git pull to stay up to date with the changes.


Projet postoffice.world (still needs updating so be sure to do the above!)

See pdf attached above.

Projet highway-driver (still needs updating so be sure to do the above!)

See pdf attached above.

Getting started with robotics on Linux

I cover the foundational techniques of Unix and ROS used to develop and debug code. As I have explored the field of robotics, I have often learned the hard way not to dive straight into things – often taking a step back can be rewarding, and even more when someone can give you the correct content – effortlessly.

Project Stack

Ubuntu18.04->Python2.7->OpenCV4.1.1->ROS Melodic->Gazebo9

This is in no ways meant to be an exhaustive list of tutorials. Instead, consider it a bibliography for fundamental concepts that you might otherwise have overlooked. They have helped me very recurringly, and please feel free to add your own.


Unix: A beginners guide to the Unix and Linux operating system. Eight simple tutorials which cover the basics of UNIX / Linux commands. http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Teaching/Unix/


ROS: Tutorials front page. http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Tutorials

The ROS filesystem is fundamental to the use of c++ with modern robotics, and stumbling into development from scratch is ill-advised. Once you have done so, feel free to use the cheatsheets you can find here: http://air.imag.fr/images/f/f7/ROScheatsheet.pdf https://clearpathrobotics.com/ros-robot-operating-system-cheat-sheet/