
Scripts to convert HRTF files to different formats

Primary LanguageBatchfile

HRIR Batch Converters

Scripts to convert HRTF/HRIR files into a different format.
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Binaural audio in a nutshell

Generate DEF

Generates a Definition file (.DEF) used by makemhr.exe v1.20.1 or makehrtf.exe v1.18.2 to generate .MHR files compatible with OpenAL Soft and X3DAudio HRTF, respectively.
To generate a .DEF file, open the respective .bat with a text editor to find the expected file/folder structure and set it up accordingly (Usually the top .WAV/.DAT folder or .SOFA file in the same folder as the script).
Note: These scripts are intended for the listed HRIRs since it generates a template using specific configuration required by each particular HRIR.


Converts Definition files (.DEF) into .MHR files compatible with OpenAL Soft or X3DAudio HRTF, depending on the script.

  • For OpenAL Soft, it generates 44100hz, 48000hz and 96000hz .MHR files.
  • For X3DAudio HRTF, it generates 32000hz, 44100hz, 48000hz and a 96000hz .MHR files.


Converts all the .SOFA files in the script folder to OpenAL Soft .MHR files (44100hz, 48000hz and 96000hz)


Converts all the .SOFA files in the script folder to HeSuVi .WAV files files (44100hz and 48000hz) and opens the output/ and hrir/ folders for easy drag and drop installation.


Generates 44.hkhz WAV file for HeSuVi WAV files, if missing.


For more updates, troubleshooting or contribution, join the discussion at the Binaural Audio Discord server.


kcat - makehrtf/makemhr
Matt Gore, Jaakko Pasanen - SOFA to HeSuVi conversion setup
FFmpeg team - FFmpeg
Christian Hoene - libmysofa
Chris Bagwell - SoX