Splash screen |
Implemented with Unity editor |
Game icon |
Implemented with Unity editor |
Sound/Music |
Main soundtrack in Menu, played with SoundManager |
Controls - KeyBinding |
KeyBinding allowed by the main Menu GameInputManager, ChangeKeyScript |
Credits Screen |
Static page, reachable by the main Menu |
Scoreboard - Sorted |
The scoreboard is reachable by the main Menu or when the game is over. HightScoreTable, ScoreManager |
Tutorial |
3 Static scenes |
Score |
The score is stored and calculated in static class PlayerStats |
PowerUPs |
There are three PowerUPs: Attack, Defense, DoubleCoins. PowerUP |
Time-Base |
TimerCountdown.cs |
Enemy |
Goblin, Slime, RedBat Enemies |
Multiple levels |
There are two levels |
Basic AI |
The enemy follow the player if is near by Enemy - Move, IsNearOther2D |
PlayerPrefs |
Store the custom controls and score ScoreManager, ChangeKeyScript |
Singleton |
GameInputManager, GameSingletonUI, TimerCountdown.cs, SoundManager, CameraBoundsManager, SceneController, CoinsManager |
Coorutines |
UnlockMove, animationState - Player, SpawnCoins, DeactivateDistanceCoins, WaitForKey, AssignKey, DotAnimation, TimerTake |
Enums |
Direction, PowerUPs |
Static class |
Extension, PlayerStats, ScoreManager |
Inheritance |
Enemy > FlyingEnemy > GroundEnemy |
Extension Methods |
Spawn, Flip2D, IsNearOther2D, ChangeAlpha, Capitalize, RepeatForLoop, SetNameAndScore, SortListByScore |
Animations |
Hero: Idle, Jump, Hurt, Death. Coins, Enemy: Hurt, Idle |
Soundtrack |
Main soundtrack played with singleton SoundManager |
Sounds / FX |
Coins collect, player hurt, enemy hurt, player jump, powerup SoundManager |
Raycast |
Fireball collision, enemy detect SpecialAttack |
User interface |
Hero, enemy (Goblin, Slime, RedBat), enemy health bar, tiles, tree, powerUPs (Attack, Defense, DoubleCoins), parallax background, coins, custom ui |
Particles system |
Glow powerUPs, fireball explosion, player jump dust, tree around light |