
Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Copyright 2007 - 2011 Benedict Brown

tps_alignment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
published by the Free Software Foundation.

tps_alignment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


tps_alignment requires the TNT matrix library (math.nist.gov/tnt) and
the trimesh2 library (http://www.cs.princeton.edu/gfx/proj/trimesh2/).

The makefile assumes that all three programs are subdirectories of the
same parent directory.  If not, update the paths in src/Makefile.
Then type "make" in the src directory.

tps_alignment should compile cleanly on Linux.  For Mac OS X and
Windows, you must create a Makedefs.Darwin or Makedefs.Windows files
(look at trimesh2 for examples).  Small source modifications may also
be required.


All instructions are written for the bash shell.

Simple Case:

For rigid-body alignment of small models, a "rigid_alignment.sh"
script is included in the scripts subdirectory.  This will perform all
steps, ultimately writing the the .xf transform files for the
alignment to the global/rigid subdirectory of the current directory.
The script will create the global/rigid and all other necessary
subdirectories.  It assumes that all binaries are in your path.

Complex Case:

There are several steps to aligning models, most of which are
performed by the above script.  But for large models and non-rigid
alignments, it makes sense to run the pieces separately.  This makes
it easier to tweak options, and to parallelize the correspondence

First, we need to cache mesh bounding boxes, so we can avoid trying to
align meshes which don't overlap:

\ls *.ply | preprocess -bbox bbox.dat

preprocess can cache smoothed normals and curvatures also, which is
important for large data sets:

(for i in *.ply; do echo $i; echo ${i%ply}pre; done) | \
   preprocess -curve bbox.dat \
              -dn <normal_smoothing_amount> \
              -dc <curvature_smoothing_amount>

This will write a .pre file corresponding to each .ply which caches
exactly the information needed to compute correspondences.


Next, we need to compute correspondences.  The correspondence program
must be called once for each range scan, but each instance can be run
on a different system.  You can use the qcorresond script in the
script directory to generate all the necessary correspond calls.  The
resulting scripts can be submitted to a rocks cluster using the qsub
command, or simply run from a shell:

mkdir global
cd global
\ls ../*.pre > pre_list.txt
qcorrespond dst_dir num_scripts sample_rate [-nolocal]

-nolocal turns off locally-weighted ICP, which yields a significant
speedup if scans are not warped.

* If you have not preprocessed the meshes, then you can list the .ply
(or .off, or any other format supported by trimesh2) to pre_list.txt
instead.  For small models this is fine; for large ones it will result
in an unacceptable slowdown.

e.g. qcorresond qsub 60 0.000075 will divvy all the instances of
correspondences into 60 shell scripts, and use 0.0075% of the vertices
as features (this is a good setting for DMP data; small models need a
much higher sampling rate--try 0.001 or 0.01).

Now run each of the generated scripts.

* A separate qcorrespond_fur script is included for Forma Urbis Romae
data.  This turns on the [Gelfand03]-style stability sampling for
certain pairs of range scans where it is necessary.  Except in very
unusual circumstances, the default stability sampling works much


Third, scans much be warped:

A sample script for running global registration is included in
scripts/greg.  This will set up the input file for global
registration, and copute both rigid and nonrigid alignments, which
will be placed in the rigid and nonrigid subdirectories.  It will use
two threads to run alignments; if you have a different number of cores
available on your system, change the -nthreads parameter.  If you
don't need the rigid or non-rigid alignment, you can removed the -r or
-nr options.  Note that some meshes may be discarded as unstable in
this process.  If you think too many meshes are being rejected, try
increasing the sample rate for correspondences.


Finally, the model must be merged

Various merging algorithms exist.  scripts/tps_vrip is a sample script
for using pvrip.  Note that VRIP requires meshes to be properly
reoriented on input; the autorient program does this.  The tps_vrip
script shows how to prepare the input files and reorient meshes for
VRIP.  A simpler alternative is the Poisson Reconstruction algorithm
of Kazhdan, Bolitho and Hoppe, available at
http://www.cs.jhu.edu/~misha/Code/PoissonRecon/.  To prepare the input
for this algorithm, use the included ply2vn program:

 ply2vn *.ply > input.dat

input.dat is a binary file, so be sure to pass --binary to PoissonRecon.


Additional options:

correspond (and qcorrespond) accepts the following options:

-nolocal: turn off locally-weighted ICP
-read_xf: Look for a .xf file containing the transformation for each
          mesh.  If this is not specified, the mesh is assumed to have
          an initial aligning transformation pre-applied.

* For additional options, see src/correspond.cc; they generally do
* not need to be set.

global_reg (and greg) accepts the following options:

-r, -nr, -aff: Specify that rigid, non-rigid or affine alignments
               should be written.  Each option should be followed by a
               prefix for the filenames.  If they should go in a
               subdirectory, be sure to include the "/", e.g. "-r
               rigid/".  Note that the greg sample script has -r and
               -nr hard-coded.  Any combination of these may be
-read_xf:  read a .xf transformation file for each mesh
-write_xf: for rigid alignment, write a .xf transformation file rather
           than the full mesh
-nthreads: The number of threads to spawn for computing and applying
           warps.  Set this to the number of cores available on your
           system.  Note that point position uses only a single
           thread, but is generally quick.
-min_target_dist: The minimum allowed distance between feature points
                  (in mesh units).  Features closer than this distance
                  to each other will be thinned out.  For Digital
                  Michelangelo data, 8 is a good setting, for smaller
                  meshes, try 3.

* For additional options, see include/global_reg.h


Interactive experimentation:

The interactive utility can be used to explore the behavior of
locally-weighted ICP.  This program performs a standard ICP alignment
of two meshes, then provides an interface to explore locally-weighted
ICP and visualize the results.  Call it like this:

interactive mesh1.ply mesh2.ply [ options ]

You can also use any trimesh2-supported mesh format, .pre files, or
scanalyze-style .set files (together with the -res option).


-dg -dn -dc: specify smoothing amount for geometry, normals and
-el [ length ]: prune edges longer than length
-ss: sort stabilities as in "Geometrically Stable Sampling" rather
     than sampling them as a pdf.  This applies only to the initial
     unweighted ICP; after that it's controlled by an option in the
-res [ res ]: Use resolution res from the scanalyze-style .set files.
              This implies that .set files are used rather than

* Affine ICP is know to be unstable, and is not recommended ever.