
基于Godot适用于World Conqueror 4的BTL可视化多平台地图编辑器

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT



该项目是专为World Conqueror 4(世界征服者4,由EasyTech公司开发)设计的BTL可视化多平台地图编辑器,旨在为游戏爱好者和模组制作者提供一个简便、易用的地图创建和编辑工具。借助强大的Godot引擎,本编辑器为World Conqueror 4的粉丝和模组制作者提供了广阔的创作空间和无限的可能性。


  • 多平台支持:在任何设备上编辑地图。
  • 直观的用户界面:为所有技能水平的用户设计。
  • 全面的编辑工具:提供创建复杂BTL地图所需的一切。
  • 无缝整合:地图可直接用于World Conqueror 4游戏中。



  1. 下载编辑器:克隆此仓库到您的本地机器。
  2. 安装Godot引擎:我们的编辑器基于Godot。确保您安装了最新版本的Godot引擎。
  3. 在Godot中打开项目:导航到项目目录并使用Godot打开它。
  4. 开始编辑:使用编辑器工具创建或修改您的地图。



  • 报告Bug:如果您发现了Bug,请开启一个issue。
  • 提交功能请求:有好的想法吗?请告诉我们!
  • 提交拉取请求:对代码进行了改进?提交PR,一起让这个项目变得更好。


本项目采用MIT许可证 - 详情见LICENSE文件。


  • 感谢EasyTech公司创造了World Conqueror 4,激发了我们开发这款地图编辑器的灵感。
  • 本项目使用了Godot Engine,一个强大的开源游戏引擎,感谢Godot社区的贡献。



This project is a BTL visual multi-platform map editor designed specifically for World Conqueror 4, developed by EasyTech. It aims to provide a simple and user-friendly tool for game enthusiasts and mod creators to design and edit maps. With the powerful Godot engine, this editor offers vast creative possibilities and unlimited potential for World Conqueror 4 fans and mod creators.


  • Multi-platform Support: Edit maps on any device.
  • Intuitive User Interface: Designed for users of all skill levels.
  • Comprehensive Editing Tools: Everything you need to create complex BTL maps.
  • Seamless Integration: Maps can be directly used in World Conqueror 4.

Quick Start

To get started with the BTL Visual Map Editor, follow these steps:

  1. Download the Editor: Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Install Godot Engine: Our editor is based on Godot. Ensure you have the latest version of the Godot Engine installed.
  3. Open the Project in Godot: Navigate to the project directory and open it with Godot.
  4. Start Editing: Use the editor tools to create or modify your map.

How to Contribute

Contributions to the BTL Visual Map Editor are welcome! You can help us in the following ways:

  • Report Bugs: If you find a bug, please open an issue.
  • Submit Feature Requests: Have a great idea? Let us know!
  • Submit Pull Requests: Made improvements to the code? Submit a PR to help make this project even better.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


  • Thanks to EasyTech for creating World Conqueror 4, which inspired us to develop this map editor.
  • This project uses the Godot Engine, a powerful open-source game engine, thanks to the contributions of the Godot community.