
A ROS package to publish and subscribe images from USB (or integrated) webcam.

Primary LanguageCMakeMIT LicenseMIT


A ROS package to publish and subscribe images from USB (or integrated) webcam.

This package is from Chapter 7 and 8 of ROS 101 series on my blog robodev.blog. Follow the instruction in the tutorials to better understand and run the code. Below are the main commands.

Run the image publisher

First, check the camera name by using this command: ls -ltrh /dev/video*. In my case, it is /dev/video0 which is the integrated webcam of my laptop.

Start a ROS Master by the following command:


There are two way to run the publisher:

rosrun my_cam image_publisher.py


roslaunch my_cam my_cam.launch.

If you use rosrun, you should adjust the camera name from the line 13: capture = cv2.VideoCapture("/dev/video0") in image_publisher.py. If you use roslaunch, change it in the second line of launch/mycam.launch: <arg name="camera_name" default="/dev/video0"/>.

Run the image subscriber

If your subscribed topic has a different name than image_raw, you should change it in line 26: image_subcriber = rospy.Subscriber("image_raw", Image, callback) of image_subscriber.py. Then run:

rosrun my_cam image_subscriber.py

After that, you should see a window with the title ROS Image Subscriber showing your webcam view like what I have in the photo below.
