This is a deep neural network for depth completion using sequence information.
The full demo video can be found here. Link to our paper here
conda create -n venv python=3.7
conda activate venv
conda install pytorch==1.1.0 torchvision cudatoolkit=9.0 -c pytorch
conda install -c conda-forge opencv
pip install pycuda Cython pandas pykitti scikit-image scipy
Using pip for installing the other dependence packages
Next, compiling the library for using warping function. We upgraded this library from the original here.
Make sure that the CUDA version on your machine is 9.0. You can check whether the folder /usr/local/cuda-9.0
exists or not.
cd depth-completion-seq-net/MYTH
python install
You need to prepare your dataset followed our template except for KITTI dataset (It should be organized as same as the original).
Dataset structure should look like this:
|--train # for training model
|-- sequence 1
|--depth*.png # ground truth depth, '*' here the index
|--image*.png # RGB image
|--sparse*.png # sparse depth input
|--pose*.txt # camera-to-world, 4×4 matrix in homogeneous coordinates
|-- sequence 2
|--val # for evaluating our model based on some metrics: RMSE, MAE...
|-- sequence 1
|--depth*.png # ground truth depth, '*' here the index
|--image*.png # RGB image
|--sparse*.png # sparse depth input
|--pose*.txt # camera-to-world, 4×4 matrix in homogeneous coordinates
|-- sequence 2
|--test # for depth prediction without ground truth depth
|-- sequence 1
|--image*.png # RGB image
|--sparse*.png # sparse depth input
|--pose*.txt # camera-to-world, 4×4 matrix in homogeneous coordinates
|-- sequence 2
For kitti, we use two datasets (raw and depth-completion), the split.txt file is inside data_loaders folder test.txt and train.txt
for the raw use this. (look here -
use wget / wget -i kitti_archives_to_download.txt / unzip "*.zip"
|--raw_dataset #
|-- 2011_09_26
|-- calib_velo_to_cam.txt
|-- calib_imu_to_velo.txt
|-- calib_cam_to_cam.txt
|-- 2011_09_26_drive_0020_sync # camera-to-world, 4×4 matrix in homogeneous coordinates
|-- image_00
|-- image_01
|--depth_dataset #
|-- data_depth_velodyne # wget
|-- data_depth_annotated #
Make sure activate your virtual environment before running code:
conda activate venv
Train model:
python --config config_kitti.json
# all parameters of model are configured in this file
# file config_kitti.json is used for the kitti dataset
# file config_aerial.json is used for the aerial dataset
Evaluate model:
We need a pretrained model for evaluation. The pretrained model is put in a folder along with file config.
See the pretrains
in the project for illustration. The evaluated dataset is the data in the folder val
python --resume <path to pretrained model> --save_folder <folder to save the results>
Predict the depth map from the image and sparse depth input. There's no need ground truth depth (see the structure of test
python --resume <path to pretrained model> --save_folder <folder to save the results>
If you find this source code helpful for your research, please cite this
author={K. {Truong Giang} and S. {Song} and D. {Kim} and S. {Choi}},
journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
title={Sequential Depth Completion With Confidence Estimation for 3D Model Reconstruction},