
Loading of proprietary formats used by the engine used by the games "Gothic" and "Gothic II"

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

ZenLib Build status Build Status

Loading of proprietary formats used by the engine of the games "Gothic" and "Gothic II".


Contains loaders for:

  • Zen-Archives (ASCII, BinSafe)
  • VDF-Archives
  • Compiled-Mesh formats (Static, Skeletal)
  • Skeleton-Hierarchy
  • Animation-Samples
  • Compiled textures

There is no possibility to write files at the moment. However, this is planned for a later release.


ZenLib requires a compiler capable of the C++14-standard and at least CMake 3.1!

Make sure to clone the repository with the '--recursive'-flag, since otherwise you will be missing some dependencies! Like so: git clone --recursive https://github.com/degenerated1123/ZenLib.git


$ cd <project-root>
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make


Use CMake-GUI to generate project-files for your favorite build-system/IDE. Then proceed to build the library as usual.


There are some sample programs inside the /samples-folder, which can teach you how the library works and what you can do with it.

Basic usage


#include <vdfs/fileIndex.h>

/** ... **/

// Load all vdfs you need into a file-index
VDFS::FileIndex vdf;

// Get file-data as byte-vector. Filename only, no folders.
std::vector<uint8_t> data;
vdf.getFileData("MyAsset.ext", data);


#include <zenload/zenParser.h>

/** ... **/

 // Load ZEN from disk. There is also a constructor for byte-data, usefull if loading from a .vdf.
 ZenLoad::ZenParser parser("MyWorld.zen");
 // Do parsing
 ZenLoad::oCWorldData world = parser.readWorld();
 ZenLoad::zCMesh* mesh = parser.getWorldMesh();
 // Do something with 'world' or 'worldMesh'


 // Load by filename + initialized VDFS::FileIndex
 ZenLoad::zCProgMeshProto mesh("MyMesh.MRM", vdfIndex);

 // Bring the loaded mesh in a more accessible format
 ZenLoad::PackedMesh packedMesh;

This is mostly the same for all "zC***"-Classes in the ZenLib-Package.

See zenload/zTypes.h for more information about the packed data structs returned by the objects.


#include <zenload/ztex2dds.h>

/** ... **/
std::vector<uint8_t> zTexData = ...; // Get data from vdfs or something

// Convert the ZTex to a usual DDS-Texture
std::vector<uint8_t> ddsData;
ZenLoad::convertZTEX2DDS(zTexData, ddsData);

// ... do something with ddsData
// or...

// Convert the DDS-Texture to 32bpp RGBA-Data, if wanted
std::vector<uint8_t> rgbaData;
ZenLoad::convertDDSToRGBA8(ddsData, rgbaData);

// .. do something with rgbaData


By default, the internal Logging-Class will output to stdout (and OutputDebugString on Windows).

You can define your own target by calling:

#include <utils/logger.h>

/** ... **/

Utils::Log::SetLogCallback([](const std::string& msg){
       // Do something with msg

(Logging to file seems currently broken, sorry.)


MIT, see License-file.