- 1
Step 3 fix
#151 opened by umyta - 1
Unable to download pretrain_model?
#154 opened by Kobeee0614 - 4
error: ‘Fill’ was not declared in this scope
#152 opened by zhufan123 - 0
- 2
find no difinition of Fill
#116 opened by hengshan123 - 0
input data format
#150 opened by lrj16 - 0
- 0
ROIAlign bug
#148 opened by eli2014 - 0
train_maskrcnn bug
#147 opened by MichaelLv - 0
ROIAlign Bug
#146 opened by MichaelLv - 1
mx-maskrcnn for keypoint detection
#144 opened by tianyuecao - 1
How to fit segmentation to keypoint detection?
#131 opened by hdjsjyl - 1
Dummy Data Inference
#142 opened by xinyu-intel - 0
- 1
out_shape larger than data_shape
#139 opened by tianyuecao - 2
Speed drop when training?
#143 opened by rxqy - 3
The speed of train_maskrcnn on coco
#118 opened by zl1994 - 1
- 0
- 1
RoI assign level bug
#138 opened by YeWenting - 0
ground truth roi load
#140 opened by cloudfool - 1
- 0
- 0
After changeing some of the params, the speed of convergence when training RPN is amazing
#136 opened by zl1994 - 1
gtFine_labelTrainIds.png does not exist
#135 opened by dingfg - 5
mxnet compile error "fatal error: ../mshadow_op.h"
#123 opened by 7oud - 1
demo and demo_single_image
#134 opened by cloudfool - 4
why should fix parameters in training maskrcnn?
#124 opened by gaosanyuan - 1
- 2
Running error
#130 opened by qilicun - 0
How to select the area threshold which is used to assign level of proposal from RPN?
#132 opened by hdjsjyl - 1
- 3
- 1
Can I deploy mx-maskrcnn in the ubuntu14.04?
#100 opened by lt573152873 - 0
bounding box accuracy
#129 opened by perp - 4
- 2
- 1
Could you tell me how to make my own data??
#128 opened by jstzsjw - 1
- 1
If I want to use it to train face alignment model, Do I need to change roidb? What's the meaning of 'max_classes' and 'max_overlaps'?
#117 opened by hdjsjyl - 0
On rpn_relu
#119 opened by gaosanyuan - 1
Will python 3 and windows be supported?
#109 opened by mailqq100 - 0
End-to-end training?
#115 opened by ysfalo - 2
mask-rcnn how to allocate memory, If my own dataset has some big size images like 7127*7127, it has cudo memory error.
#114 opened by hdjsjyl - 1
unexpected keyword argument 'allow_extra'
#104 opened by apchenstu - 1
while I use my train model to test my dataset, error is " operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (0,0) (174,193)"
#111 opened by napolun279 - 0
run demo-mask by gpus?
#110 opened by ChangliangSun - 1
#107 opened by franciszzj - 2
The output of ROIPoolingAlign layer
#102 opened by Mendel1 - 0
Inference on multiple images (batchSize>1)
#101 opened by bubbles1990