
Container for performing classic image colocalization analysis

Primary LanguagePython


IDAT Colocalization Analysis

This Docker container performs classic image colocalization analysis including Pearson correlation and Manders overlap coefficients. It accepts masks for background subtraction. Thresholding methods can be either Otsu or Costes.


Expects three directories:
first_images should contain the first set of images (in alphabetical order) to be compared.
second_images contains the set of images (in alphabetical order) against which the first set will be compared.
masks (Optional) contains the masks used for background subtraction.


Analysis results are output to a CSV file in the results directory.


The default usage calculates Pearson correlation, and Manders overlap coefficients using Otsu thresholding.

docker run -it \
    -v "$(pwd)<first_images_dir>:/code/data/first_images" \
    -v "$(pwd)<second_images_dir>:/code/data/second_images" \
    -v "$(pwd)<masks_dir>:/code/data/masks" \
    -v "$(pwd)<results_dir>:/code/results" \

Disable masks for background subtraction:

    ghcr.io/turku-bioimaging/idt-colocalization-analysis:0.3.0 --disable-masks

Disable Pearson correlation:

    ghcr.io/turku-bioimaging/idt-colocalization-analysis:0.3.0 --disable-pearson

Disable Otsu thresholding for Manders overlap coefficients:

    ghcr.io/turku-bioimaging/idt-colocalization-analysis:0.3.0 --disable-manders-otsu

Enable Costes auto thresholding for Manders overlap coefficients:

    ghcr.io/turku-bioimaging/idt-colocalization-analysis:0.3.0 --manders-costes


Image Data Team - Turku BioImaging
Joanna Pylvänäinen - joanna.pylvanainen@abo.fi
Junel Solis - junel.solis@abo.fi
Dado Tokic - dado.tokic@abo.fi
Pasi Kankaanpää - pasi.kankaanpaa@abo.fi

Turku BioImaging