Does adding artificial phase (/time) help?

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The Phase_Walker2DBulletEnv-v0 has an added artificial phase variable which might be useful to the other algorithms as well, so to be fair we might need to compare the others with phase as well.

Experiments on Walker2D

Based on the following plot I don't think we need to be worried about that, though we can do the comparison to be more thorough.

Experiment IDs:

  • 2019_07_08__23_53_20__walker-fixstd-lossmirror
  • 2019_07_08__15_22_11__walker-fixstd-netmirror
  • 2019_07_08__15_22_02__walker-fixstd-nomirror
  • 2019_07_10__14_57_55__walker-fixstd-phasemirro
  • 2019_07_08__15_21_50__walker-fixstd-tupmirror

BTW, the walker can still get much better with more training, maybe we should increase the limit (same plot):