
containerised brat (http://brat.nlplab.org/)

Primary LanguageDockerfile

brat docker

This is a docker container deploying an instance of brat based on the original work of https://github.com/cassj/brat-docker.


  1. Create a .env file in the base directory of this repository that contains the admin user info for BRAT. In the example below, replace [USERNAME],[PASSWORD], and [EMAIL] with appropriate values.
  1. Build and run an instance of brat
docker compose up -d
  1. Add apache users to the running instance to allow entry to the brat application
docker exec -ti brat bash
> htpasswd -c /bratcfg/.htpasswd [USERNAME]

Replace [USERNAME] with the user name and follow the prompts to enter a password. Once complete, the user/password entered will allow the user to access BRAT, but not login to brat.

  1. Add brat users by creating a users.json file (see below) and placing it in /bratcfg inside the running container.
    "user1": "password",
    "user2": "password",