- 3
packages issue
#42 opened by pradeepanpp - 2
How to download dataset?
#43 opened by kalelpark - 1
- 1
Crystallization in non-covid images
#37 opened by GMBarra - 2
What is a non-COVID class?
#38 opened by AlexTS1980 - 7
Problem with
#29 opened by Ramalheira07 - 0
Can you provide the corresponding masks? Without the masks, we can not train any models.
#40 opened by Xiaoqi-Zhao-DLUT - 1
#35 opened by AlexTS1980 - 0
- 0
Does the training dataset have overlaps with SIRM?
#34 opened by ZhenyF - 1
- 1
How to Run your code? Please give a workflow.
#32 opened by anirban1513 - 1
DenseNet Questions
#31 opened by saja1994 - 1
- 7
- 4
Learning rate
#27 opened by hchoi71 - 3
change learning rate
#26 opened by hchoi71 - 1
Do we prediction code or the gradcam code.
#24 opened by st186 - 1
Covid is labeled 0 and NonCovid is labeled 1?
#25 opened by LXYTSOS - 1
How the non covid images are collected.
#22 opened by talhaanwarch - 2
COVID-19 patient data for research
#18 opened by jeremykohn - 1
- 1
- 1
Visual results
#19 opened by jrudascasimex - 1
DICOM files
#17 opened by Gresliebear - 6
Updata Code
#14 opened by huangjt001 - 1
A error of the baseline method densenet169
#16 opened by xifengqianyu - 2
- 1
Missing some files and variable 'alpha'
#10 opened by tingnim - 4
- 4
#8 opened by james-workig - 1
#7 opened by ncovgt2020 - 1
How to contribute?
#6 opened by ncovgt2020 - 1
Added to Open Source COVID-19
#5 opened by WeileiZeng - 11
You cannot train a classifier on these images
#3 opened by LuisBlanche - 1
Can such a dataset train?
#4 opened by sertreet - 5 is missing
#2 opened by saimunur - 0
please delete this, wrong issue
#12 opened - 2
Data split issue: should be patient level
#11 opened by HankUiECE - 2
Failed to decompress on MacOsX
#1 opened by eisen-ai