Concatenated Power Mean Embeddings as Universal Cross-Lingual Sentence Representations
- alexrigler@choochoohq
- Amano-Ginji
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- arueckleUKP Lab
- BlasphemyAngels
- cbiehlFrankfurt, Germany
- codealphago
- CoolDarran
- creotiv
- crueckle
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- fly51flyPRIS
- hsuehkuan-luTaipei
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- jusjosgraHealx
- ktweInfranaut IT-Services GmbH
- matt-erhartBerkeley
- mobilegenomeSwiss Ornithological Institute
- oroszgy@ec-doris
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- qingyuanxingsiXi'an Jiaotong University
- ShawnXiha
- shubhampachori12110095Somewhere in India
- ShushAPRLMU, Center of Information and Speech Processing
- SteffenEger
- tbmihailov
- tholordeepset
- threefoldo
- tkubotakeahacraft inc.
- trtmSwitzerland
- vladserkoffMoscow
- weakish
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- ypuzikovZalando SE
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