
Contact estimation for quadruped robots.

Primary LanguagePython

Deep Contact Estimator

The deep contact estimator takes in proprioceptive measurements from a quadruped robot and estimates the current contact state of the robot.


Contact Data Sets

  • We created contact data sets using an MIT mini cheetah robot on 8 different terrains.
  • The contact data sets can be downloaded here.
  • The 8 different terrains in the data sets: Terrain Types


  • Estimated ground reaction force and foot velocity overlapped with estimated contacts and ground truth contacts of one leg in the forest data set. contact_results

  • The estimated contacts were used in a contact-aided invariant extended kalman filtering to estimate the pose and velocity of a mini cheetah.

  • Below plot shows the trajectory of the inEKF with this contact estimator in a concrete sequence from the data sets. inekf_lab


  • Python3
  • PyTorch
  • SciPy
  • Tensorboard
  • scikit-learn
  • Lightweight Communications and Marshalling (LCM)


  • We provide docker files for cuda 10.1 and 11.1 in docker/.
  • Detailed tutorial on how to build the docker container can be found in the README in each docker folder.

Process Training Data

  1. The network takes numpy data as input. To generate training data, first download the contact data sets from here.
  2. Collect all the .mat file from each terrain into a folder. (You can also reserve some sequences for testing only.)
  3. Change mat_folder in config/mat2numpy_config.yaml to the above folder.
  4. Change save_path to a desired path.
  5. Change mode to train and adjust train_ratio and val_ratio to desired values.
  6. Run python3 utils/mat2numpy.py. The program should automatically concatenate all data and separate it into train, validation, and test in numpy.

Process Test Sequence

  • If you would like to generate a complete test sequence without splitting into train, validation and test sets, all you need to do is to change mode to inference and repeat the above process.
  • However, instead of putting all training data into the mat folder, you should only put the reserved test sequence in the folder.

Train the Network

  1. To train the network, first you need to modify the params in config/network_params.yaml.
  2. Run python3 src/train.py.
  3. The log will be saved as Tensorboard format in log_writer_path you defined.

Pretrained Model

  • If you just want to evaluate the result, we also provide pretrained models, which can be found here.

Test the Network

  1. Modify config/test_params.yaml.
  2. Run python3 src/test.py.
  3. test.py will compute the accuracy, precision, and jaccard index for the test sets.

Inference a Complete Sequence

  1. Generate a complete test sequence following the steps in Process Test Sequence.
  2. Modify config/inference_one_seq_params.yaml.
  3. Set calculate_accuracy to True if you wish to also compute the accuracy of the sequence. (Note: This requires ground truth labels and will slow down the inference process.)
  4. Set save_mat to True if you would like the result to be generated in .mat file for MATLAB.
  5. Set save_lcm to True if you wish to generate results as a LCM log.
  6. Run python3 src/inference_one_seq.py.
  7. The saved LCM log can be used in cheetah_inekf_ros for mini cheetah state estimation.

Running in real-time

  1. Switch to real-time_jetson branch, follow the wiki_page to convert models and install TensorRT if it haven't been installed already
  2. Save your ONNX model in '/weights' folder and save an input matrix inside '/data' folder as '*.bin'
  3. Change the interface.yaml according
  4. Enter the program folder and build the program by the following commands:
       mkdir build
       cd build
       cmake ..
       make -j8
  5. Serialize an engine by using command ./utils/serialize_engine in ${PROGRAM_PATH}/build/ directory. This command will read the model (.onnx) and serialize the output engine (.trt) on your disk Remark: The saved engine is not portable between different machines
  6. Run the program by using command ./src/run_contact_estimator in ${PROGRAM_PATH}/build/ directory
  7. Once you see the print out message started thread, the interface starts. You can feed input either through the robot, or using a pre-recorded .lcm log file. You can check the frequency by using lcm-spy
  8. The output of the program is a synchronized lcm message that contains leg_control_data, microstrain, timestamp and contact_estimates
  9. You can enable the debug_flag to save some files that is helpful for you to visualize the result. E.g. leg_p.csv and contact_lcm_est.csv


This work is published in 2021 Conference on Robot Learning:

  • Tzu-Yuan Lin, Ray Zhang, Justin Yu, and Maani Ghaffari. "Legged Robot State Estimation using Invariant Kalman Filtering and Learned Contact Events." In Conference on robot learning. PMLR, 2021
   title={Legged Robot State Estimation using Invariant Kalman Filtering and Learned Contact Events},
   author={Tzu-Yuan Lin and Ray Zhang and Justin Yu and Maani Ghaffari},
   booktitle={5th Annual Conference on Robot Learning },