The R package "httk" provides free, open-source data and models for toxicokinetics. The models are designed to use chemical-specific in vitro (animal free) measurements. The predictions can be used for traditional dosimetry as well as in vivo-in vitro extrapolation (IVIVE). This repository is for reporting bugs and contributing enhancements.
- abhik1368KatanaGraph
- andrew2165
- bellshaRTP, NC USA
- bwetmore723
- c1au6i0Baltimore, MD
- ChangILS
- Chebuu
- DylanGaramaniUppsala University
- gpavani14
- Huan-YangesqLABS
- ibalshammari
- jacobehrhardtMcMaster University
- kwhite03
- marcabrusMario Negri Institute For Pharmacological Research
- meredithscherer
- nanhungCalifornia Environmental Protection Agency
- neha-sehgal2
- noelle-sinski
- rnaimehaom
- snowjen70Sacramento, CA
- Yang-Jing20121
- yeldarbkram
- yuanxiaoyuanyouyuan
- Zhenglei-BCSBayer CropScience