A utility to create meshes using an RGB-D camera feed given known positions and parameters of the camera. This package makes heavy use of the python library Open3D.
Install Open3D
pip3 install open3d
Clone this repository into your workspace
Build the package as a normal ROS2 package
Launch reconstruction node
ros2 launch industrial_reconstruction reconstruction.launch.xml depth_image_topic:=/camera/depth_image/raw color_image_topic:=/camera/color_image/raw camera_info_topic:=/camera/camera_info
Call service to start reconstruction
ros2 service call /start_reconstruction industrial_reconstruction_msgs/srv/StartReconstruction "tracking_frame: 'camera'
relative_frame: 'world'
translation_distance: 0.0
rotational_distance: 0.0
live: true
voxel_length: 0.02
sdf_trunc: 0.04
min_box_values: {x: 0.05, y: 0.25, z: 0.1}
max_box_values: {x: 7.0, y: 3.0, z: 1.2}
rgbd_params: {depth_scale: 1000.0, depth_trunc: 0.75, convert_rgb_to_intensity: false}"
Call service to stop reconstruction
ros2 service call /stop_reconstruction industrial_reconstruction_msgs/srv/StopReconstruction "archive_directory: '/home/ros-industrial/industrial_reconstruction_archive/archive'
mesh_filepath: '/home/ros-industrial/industrial_reconstruction_archive/results_mesh.ply'
normal_filters: [{ normal_direction: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 1.0}, angle: 90}]
min_num_faces: 1000"
tracking_frame: Camera tf frame where the image and depth image are relative to
relative_frame: Base tf frame that the TSDF mesh will be generated relative to
translation_distance: Distance the tracking_frame must travel relative to the relative_frame before another image is allowed to be added to the volume (typically works best with 0 and hasn't yet been thoroughly tested with greater values)
rotational_distance: Rotational distance the tracking_frame must rotate relative to the relative_frame before another image is allowed to be added to the volume (typically works best with 0 and hasn't yet been thoroughly tested with greater values)
live: Whether or not the TSDF integration is performed while receiving images. Setting this to true
allows for live visualization of the mesh being generated, but may cause the system to miss some frames
tsdf_params: Parameters related to the TSDF mesh generated
voxel_length: Controls the size of triangles created (Note: this is not in meters, in units associated with the camera)
sdf_trunc: Controls how connected to make adjacent points. A higher value will connected more disparate data, a low value requires that points be very close to be connected
min_box_values: The minimum values of the TSDF volume bounding box used to crop the TSDF mesh that is generated (Leaving all box values as 0 will lead to no bounding box being used)
max_box_values: The maximum values of the TSDF volume bounding box used to crop the TSDF mesh that is generated
rgbd_params: Parameters relating specifically to the camera being used
depth_scale: Scale of the data. Set to 1000 to get the output data in meters if the camera's default distance scale is in milimeters
depth_trunc: The distance at which data beyond is clipped and not used. Example: 1.0 would lead to anything greater than 1.0 meters away from the camera would be ignored
convert_rgb_to_intensity: Allows for using float type intensity if using grayscale as well. Usually set this to
unless you have a specific reason to do otherwise
For more info see the Open3D documentation on RGBD Integration.
archive_directory: (optional) Where to store all the captured color images, depth imaegs, poses, and camera info, this can take a while to write all of these files and it will skip this step if you leave this blank
mesh_filepath: Where to save the resulting ply file, include file extension in name.
normal_filters: (optional) A vector of filters applied based off triangle normals, an empty vector will apply no normal filtering
normal_direction: The desired direction of face normals to keep
angle: The angle, in degrees, relative to the normal direction to keep. Ex: normal direction of [0,0,1] with an angle of 30 degrees will only keep faces within 30 degrees of straight vertical
min_num_faces: (optional) The minimum number of connected faces required to be included in the exported mesh, setting this to 0 or leaving blank will result in no filtering applied
Launch script to bringup main reconstruction node and archive player
ros2 launch industrial_reconstruction sim_from_archive.launch.xml image_directory:=</path/to/archived/data> rviz:=true
Call service to start publishing data by parsing through archived camera info, poses, color images, and depth images
ros2 service call /start_publishing std_srvs/srv/Trigger
Call service to start reconstruction
ros2 service call /start_reconstruction industrial_reconstruction_msgs/srv/StartReconstruction "tracking_frame: 'sim_camera'
relative_frame: 'world'
translation_distance: 0.0
rotational_distance: 0.0
live: true
voxel_length: 0.02
sdf_trunc: 0.04
min_box_values: {x: 0.05, y: 0.25, z: 0.1}
max_box_values: {x: 7.0, y: 3.0, z: 1.2}
rgbd_params: {depth_scale: 1000.0, depth_trunc: 0.75, convert_rgb_to_intensity: false}"
Call service to stop reconstruction
ros2 service call /stop_reconstruction industrial_reconstruction_msgs/srv/StopReconstruction "archive_directory: '/home/ros-industrial/industrial_reconstruction_archive/archive'
mesh_filepath: '/home/ros-industrial/industrial_reconstruction_archive/results_mesh.ply'
normal_filters: [{ normal_direction: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 1.0}, angle: 90}]
min_num_faces: 1000"
Call service to stop publishing data
ros2 service call /stop_publishing std_srvs/srv/Trigger
Optionally restart back at the beginning of the data set (The node will automatically cycle back to the first data point and continue forever without intervention)
ros2 service call /restart_publishing std_srvs/srv/Trigger