Error using assocTestAggregate
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I am using the GENESIS package to perform a SKAT-O analysis on every chromosome, variants being aggregated by genes.
I am using the same code for all of the chromosomes, and it worked perfectly until the chromosome 19.
Running the code
assoc <- assocTestAggregate(iterator,
+ mod_1,
+ test="SKATO",
+ AF.max=0.01,
+ weight.beta=c(1,25),
+ verbose = FALSE)
I have the following message:
Error in seqBlockApply(gdsobj, "genotype", function(x) { :
Invalid position in CIndex.
I can provide more details if needed.
It sounds like the code is looking for a position that doesn't exist in the genotype file. I can't tell you more than that without seeing the actual data file, but I suggest creating an iterator object just for chrom 19 with the same genes you're using in your analysis and trying to do a simple task with it (maybe printing out the number of variants?), so you can see on what region it's failing.