- 0
- 7
NA values in results of assocTestSingle
#116 opened by yu-zhang-oYo - 1
- 3
Error in get(name, envir = asNamespace(pkg), inherits = FALSE) : object 'saddle' not found
#114 opened by ruuhsu - 1
- 3
Error when running the pcrelate function
#101 opened by AmandaHWChong - 1
Filter extreme p-values using `.Machine$double.xmin`
#110 opened by amstilp - 1
Cholesky factorization failed
#109 opened by wangfan860 - 1
pcrelate: error with rbindlist()
#108 opened by AmandaHWChong - 1
Issue: Running PCAir on 140K individuals
#107 opened by AmandaHWChong - 1
- 1
Error using assocTestAggregate
#105 opened by pjuge - 3
Error in assocTestSingle with Score.SPA test
#77 opened by ZeyuanSong - 1
HOW to FIX - PCAir excludes all my SNPs because there is no chromosome information
#104 opened by GabryS3 - 1
Conditional analysis
#103 opened by angelosarmen - 1
High Memory Consumption with Large Dataset in PC-Relate
#102 opened by ecyeh - 1
Estimate PVE
#96 opened by MARCPUCV - 10
pcrelateToMatrix slow on 50k samples
#88 opened by byoo - 6
Error in assocTestSingle() results when covariate is confounded with SNP genotype.
#87 opened by rmsegnitz - 2
ERROR:unused arguments (two.stage = TRUE, norm.option = "all", rescale = "residSD")
#100 opened by DamienTan - 1
analysis pipeline for chromosome X
#99 opened by candicecjj - 1
- 8
- 0
add check in varCompCI that family is gaussian
#97 opened by smgogarten - 1
- 3
fitNullModel doesn't converge when provided a list of matrices with more than 1 matrix
#91 opened by tamartsi - 3
fitnullmodel error for matrix with negatives
#74 opened by Reavyr - 0
Confusing error message in `assocTestSingle` when samples in null model are not in GDS file
#79 opened by amstilp - 1
- 0
- 5
errors trying to use makeSparseMatrix
#82 opened by earosenthal - 2
Adding functions to perform meta-analysis
#80 opened by marcora - 3
parallel implementation of pcrelate
#47 opened by dleopold - 1
assocTestSingle exhausts iterators
#69 opened by kaskarn - 2
Outdated pcair() call in vignette
#73 opened by pamelarussell - 4
pcrelate issue for large sample size
#70 opened by GraceSheng - 1
- 7
- 13
Max Number of samples for PC-AIR
#64 opened by jjfarrell - 1
Generate Dense Kinship matrix
#67 opened by nkurniansyah - 1
- 4
- 3
varCompCI gives a heritability of 0
#46 opened by yangli-ai - 1
K0 values greater than 1
#56 opened by sstadick - 5
- 4
What does correctKin do?
#55 opened by sstadick - 1
- 3
Loss of results when doing a block comparison with a single sample in one of the blocks.
#43 opened by sstadick - 2
pcrelate parallel implementation
#41 opened by dleopold - 4