
notes and assignments of CG (CMU 15-462/662)

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT




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我正在跟这个课 现已完成

主要是看 slides 做笔记

typora 写的(支持高亮,latex等功能),且图片放在了网盘内,直接在 github 上不大行

查看的时候得用 typora 且从网盘里下载好图片

再notes都写完后,考虑将图片降质压缩上传到 github 上

然后完成 assignments

略过 assignment 3.0

之前自己已经实现过了,参考项目 RayTracingToy

只在该项目中再去实现一些优化算法,如 BVH, ray-triangle intersection speedup 等

之后再考虑 PBR

其实还是有很多东西未涉及到的,如 BRDF,MCRTX,Impotance Sampling,而且 assignment 2,3,4 都是在一个项目 Scotty3D 里边的,所以写写也无妨



包含 slides, notes/assets 等,按需下载,持续更新中

现已将图片压缩上传至 github





  • 01 intro
  • 02 linear algebra
  • 03 vector calculus
  • 04 draw a triangle
  • 05 transformation
  • 06 3d rotation
  • 07 texture
  • 08 depth and transparency
  • 09 intro geometry
  • 10 meshes and manifolds
  • 11 digital geometr processing
  • 12 geometric queries
  • 13 spatial data structures
  • 14 color
  • 15 radiometry
  • 16 the rendering equation
  • 17 numerical integration
  • 18 monte carlo ray tracing
  • 19 variance reduction
  • 20 introduction to animation
  • 21 intoduction to optimization
  • 22 dynamics and time integration
  • 23 physically-based animation and PDEs


  • 0.0 linear algebra
  • 0.5 vector calculus
  • 1.0 draw svg
    • 1 Hardware Renderer
    • 2 Warm Up: Drawing Lines
    • 3 Drawing Triangles
    • 4 Anti-Aliasing Using Supersampling
    • 5 Implementing Modeling and Viewing Transforms
    • 6 Drawing Scaled Images
    • 7 Anti-Aliasing Image Elements Using Trilinear Filtering
    • 8 Alpha Compositing
    • 9 Draw Something!!!
  • 2.0 MeshEdit
    • Local
      • 1 flipEdge
      • 2 splitEdge
      • 3 collapseEdge
      • 4 collapseFace
      • 5 eraseVertex
      • 6 eraseEdge
      • 7 bevelVertex
      • 8 bevelEdge
      • 9 bevelFace
    • Global
      • 1 Triangulation
      • 2 Subdivision
      • 3 Simplification
      • 4 Isotropic Remeshing
  • 3.0 PathTracer
    • 1 Camera Rays
    • 2 Intersecting Primitives
      • Triangle
      • Sphere
    • 3 BVH
    • 4 ShadowRays
    • 5 Path Tracing
    • 6 Materials
    • 7 Environment Light
  • 4.0 Animation
    • 1 Spline Interpolation
      • Hermite Curve over the Unit Interval
      • Catmull-Romm spline
    • 2 Skeleton Kinematics
      • Forward Kinematics
      • Inverse Kinematics
    • 3 Linear Blend Skinning
    • 4 Physical Simulation