
Strange behavior with BME280 + MAX17048

r3v1 opened this issue · 4 comments

r3v1 commented

The issue


I have used the examples/bmp280 and examples/max17014x examples to program a BME280 and MAX17048 sensor. The thing is that there is something that I am not understanding about the library, because a strange thing happens to me.

When the battery is physically connected to my PCB (ESP32-S2 based), both the BME280 and MAX17048 report readings perfectly. However, if I physically disconnect the BME280 and keep the battery connected, the code is not able to detect the MAX17048 chip.

I have followed both the individual examples and simple_barometer, but I can't figure out why it doesn't work. On Arduino it works perfectly.

Attached is an excerpt of the code used:

#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"

#include "esp_wifi.h"
#include "esp_system.h"
#include "esp_event.h"
#include "esp_log.h"
#include "esp_mac.h"
#include "driver/gpio.h"

#include "string.h"
#include "nvs.h"
#include "nvs_flash.h"
#include <sys/socket.h>

#include "bmp280.h"
#include "max1704x.h"

static const char *BME280_TAG = "BME280";
static const char *MAX17048_TAG = "MAX17048";

#define SDA_GPIO 36
#define SCL_GPIO 35

void sensor_reading(void *pvParameters)
    /* --------------------------------------- INIT BME280 -------------------------------------- */
    float pressure, temperature, humidity;

    bmp280_params_t params;

    // Configuración para Weather Station
    params.mode = BMP280_MODE_FORCED;
    params.filter = BMP280_FILTER_OFF;
    params.oversampling_pressure = BMP280_ULTRA_LOW_POWER;
    params.oversampling_temperature = BMP280_ULTRA_LOW_POWER;
    params.oversampling_humidity = BMP280_ULTRA_LOW_POWER;

    bmp280_t bmp280_dev;
    memset(&bmp280_dev, 0, sizeof(bmp280_t));

    ESP_ERROR_CHECK(bmp280_init_desc(&bmp280_dev, BMP280_I2C_ADDRESS_0, I2C_NUM_0, SDA_GPIO, SCL_GPIO));
    if (bmp280_init(&bmp280_dev, &params) != ESP_OK)
        ESP_LOGE(BME280_TAG, "Failed to initialize BME280");
        // Force reading
        bool busy;
            bmp280_is_measuring(&bmp280_dev, &busy);
        } while (busy);

        // Lectura de datos
        if (bmp280_read_float(&bmp280_dev, &temperature, &pressure, &humidity) == ESP_OK)
            ESP_LOGI(BME280_TAG, "Temperature: %.2f °C, Pressure: %.2f hPa, Humidity: %.2f %%", temperature, pressure, humidity);

    /* -------------------------------------- INIT MAX17048 ------------------------------------- */
    float voltage = 0;
    float soc_percent = 0;
    float rate_change = 0;
    max1704x_t max17048_dev = {0};

    // Set up I2C bus to communicate with MAX17048
    max17048_dev.model = MAX17048_9;

    if (max1704x_init_desc(&max17048_dev, I2C_NUM_0, SDA_GPIO, SCL_GPIO) != ESP_OK)
        ESP_LOGE(MAX17048_TAG, "No se ha encontrado el sensor MAX17048. Verifique las conexiones.");
        max1704x_get_voltage(&max17048_dev, &voltage);
        max1704x_get_soc(&max17048_dev, &soc_percent);
        max1704x_get_crate(&max17048_dev, &rate_change);

        if (voltage != 0 && soc_percent != 0 && rate_change != 0)
            ESP_LOGI(MAX17048_TAG, "Voltage: %.2fV, SOC: %.2f%%, SOC rate of change: %.2f%%", voltage, soc_percent, rate_change);


void app_main(void)
    /* ------------------------------------- INITIALIZE NVS ------------------------------------- */
    esp_err_t err = nvs_flash_init();
        err = nvs_flash_init();
    /* ---------------------------------- SENSOR MEASUREMENTS ----------------------------------- */
    xTaskCreate(sensor_reading, "sensor_reading", 4096, NULL, 5, NULL);

Any help is welcome, thanks

Which SDK are you using?


Which version of SDK are you using?


Which build target have you used?

  • esp32
  • esp32s2
  • esp32s3
  • esp32c2
  • esp8266
  • other

Component causing the issue

MAX1704x, BMP280

Anything in the logs that might be useful for us?

No response

Additional information or context

No response


  • This report is not a question nor a request for drivers.

Please provide the log.

r3v1 commented

Here are the logs with both battery and BME280 connected:

I (120) main_task: Started on CPU0
I (120) main_task: Calling app_main()
V (120) partition: Loading the partition table
V (120) calculated md5: 0x3ffc5e98   bf 25 82 2c 0f a6 d8 64  1b d9 30 25 1e 06 b4 c4  |.%.,...d..0%....|
V (130) stored md5: 0x3f0180d0   bf 25 82 2c 0f a6 d8 64  1b d9 30 25 1e 06 b4 c4  |.%.,...d..0%....|
V (140) partition: Partition table MD5 verified
V (140) i2cdev: [0x76 at 0] creating mutex
V (140) i2cdev: [0x76 at 0] taking mutex
D (140) i2cdev: Reconfiguring I2C driver on port 0
D (140) i2cdev: I2C driver successfully reconfigured on port 0
D (150) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
D (150) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
I (140) main_task: Returned from app_main()
D (150) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
D (150) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
D (150) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
D (150) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
D (150) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
D (150) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
D (150) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
D (150) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
D (150) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
D (150) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
D (150) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
D (150) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
D (150) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
D (150) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
D (150) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
D (160) bmp280: Calibration data received:
D (160) bmp280: dig_T1=28295
D (160) bmp280: dig_T2=26483
D (160) bmp280: dig_T3=50
D (160) bmp280: dig_P1=36644
D (160) bmp280: dig_P2=-10651
D (160) bmp280: dig_P3=3024
D (160) bmp280: dig_P4=7119
D (160) bmp280: dig_P5=17
D (160) bmp280: dig_P6=-7
D (160) bmp280: dig_P7=9900
D (160) bmp280: dig_P8=-10230
D (160) bmp280: dig_P9=4285
D (160) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
D (160) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
D (160) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
D (160) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
D (160) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
D (160) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
D (160) bmp280: Calibration data received:
D (160) bmp280: dig_H1=75
D (160) bmp280: dig_H2=366
D (160) bmp280: dig_H3=0
D (160) bmp280: dig_H4=310
D (160) bmp280: dig_H5=50
D (160) bmp280: dig_H6=30
D (160) bmp280: Writing config reg=60
D (160) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
D (160) bmp280: Writing ctrl hum reg=1
D (160) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
D (160) bmp280: Writing ctrl reg=24
D (160) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
V (160) i2cdev: [0x76 at 0] giving mutex
V (160) i2cdev: [0x76 at 0] taking mutex
D (160) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
D (170) bmp280: Writing ctrl reg=25
D (170) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
V (170) i2cdev: [0x76 at 0] giving mutex
V (170) i2cdev: [0x76 at 0] taking mutex
D (170) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
V (170) i2cdev: [0x76 at 0] giving mutex
V (170) i2cdev: [0x76 at 0] taking mutex
D (170) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
V (170) i2cdev: [0x76 at 0] giving mutex
V (170) i2cdev: [0x76 at 0] taking mutex
D (170) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
V (170) i2cdev: [0x76 at 0] giving mutex
V (170) i2cdev: [0x76 at 0] taking mutex
D (170) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
V (170) i2cdev: [0x76 at 0] giving mutex
V (170) i2cdev: [0x76 at 0] taking mutex
D (170) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
V (170) i2cdev: [0x76 at 0] giving mutex
V (170) i2cdev: [0x76 at 0] taking mutex
D (170) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
V (170) i2cdev: [0x76 at 0] giving mutex
V (170) i2cdev: [0x76 at 0] taking mutex
D (170) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
V (170) i2cdev: [0x76 at 0] giving mutex
V (180) i2cdev: [0x76 at 0] taking mutex
D (180) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
D (180) bmp280: ADC temperature: 507904
D (180) bmp280: ADC pressure: 326736
D (180) bmp280: ADC humidity: 31391
V (180) i2cdev: [0x76 at 0] giving mutex
I (180) BME280: Temperature: 17.42 °C, Pressure: 102381.00 hPa, Humidity: 64.06 %
V (190) i2cdev: [0x36 at 0] creating mutex
V (190) i2cdev: [0x36 at 0] taking mutex
D (190) i2cdev: Reconfiguring I2C driver on port 0
D (190) i2cdev: I2C driver successfully reconfigured on port 0
D (200) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
V (200) i2cdev: [0x36 at 0] giving mutex
V (200) i2cdev: [0x36 at 0] taking mutex
D (200) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
V (200) i2cdev: [0x36 at 0] giving mutex
V (200) i2cdev: [0x36 at 0] taking mutex
D (200) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
V (200) i2cdev: [0x36 at 0] giving mutex
D (200) max1704x: crateValue: -13
I (200) MAX17048: Voltage: 3.88V, SOC: 61.95%, SOC rate of change: -2.70%

And now BME280 is disconnected:

I (120) main_task: Started on CPU0
I (120) main_task: Calling app_main()
V (120) partition: Loading the partition table
V (120) calculated md5: 0x3ffc5e98   bf 25 82 2c 0f a6 d8 64  1b d9 30 25 1e 06 b4 c4  |.%.,...d..0%....|
V (130) stored md5: 0x3f0180d0   bf 25 82 2c 0f a6 d8 64  1b d9 30 25 1e 06 b4 c4  |.%.,...d..0%....|
V (140) partition: Partition table MD5 verified
V (140) i2cdev: [0x76 at 0] creating mutex
V (140) i2cdev: [0x76 at 0] taking mutex
D (140) i2cdev: Reconfiguring I2C driver on port 0
D (140) i2cdev: I2C driver successfully reconfigured on port 0
D (150) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
I (140) main_task: Returned from app_main()
E (1150) i2cdev: Could not read from device [0x76 at 0]: 263 (ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT)
V (1160) i2cdev: [0x76 at 0] giving mutex
E (1160) bmp280: Sensor not found
E (1160) BME280: Failed to initialize BME280
V (1160) i2cdev: [0x36 at 0] creating mutex
V (1160) i2cdev: [0x36 at 0] taking mutex
D (1160) i2cdev: Reconfiguring I2C driver on port 0
D (1160) i2cdev: I2C driver successfully reconfigured on port 0
D (1170) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
E (2170) i2cdev: Could not read from device [0x36 at 0]: 263 (ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT)
V (2180) i2cdev: [0x36 at 0] giving mutex
V (2180) i2cdev: [0x36 at 0] taking mutex
D (2180) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
E (3180) i2cdev: Could not read from device [0x36 at 0]: 263 (ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT)
V (3190) i2cdev: [0x36 at 0] giving mutex
V (3190) i2cdev: [0x36 at 0] taking mutex
D (3190) i2cdev: Timeout: ticks = 0 (0 usec) on port 0
E (4190) i2cdev: Could not read from device [0x36 at 0]: 263 (ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT)
V (4200) i2cdev: [0x36 at 0] giving mutex

Looks like a hardware problem. Check that the remaining device (max17048) has SDA and SCL lines pulled up properly.

r3v1 commented

Unfortunately for me, I forgot adding pullup resistors... The code is right.