- 10
BUG: Not NumPy 2.0 compatible
#325 opened by larsoner - 0
Type stubs for cftime
#349 opened by BSchilperoort - 1
Support nanosecords in num2date / date2num
#346 opened by ChrisBarker-NOAA - 4
Error message recommends unsupported option
#342 opened by TomNicholas - 0
Usage examples other than API docs
#343 opened by TomNicholas - 1
sdist not uploaded to pypi by github action
#339 opened by jswhit - 2
Missing sdist for 1.6.4
#338 opened by mgorny - 1
PyPI publish release action failing
#337 opened by hoechenberger - 3
No `aarch64` wheels on PyPI
#333 opened by hoechenberger - 13
[Bug]: `TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'cftime._cftime.DatetimeNoLeap' and 'NoneType'` on Linux
#328 opened by tomvothecoder - 4
PyPI release pulls numpy 2.0.0rc1 for python 3.12
#327 opened by anissa111 - 0
Numpy 2.0 incompatibility
#318 opened by djhoese - 4
Parsing "months since ..." dates
#304 opened by davidhassell - 1
- 1
Passing empty array to date2num raises `IndexError: index 0 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0`
#315 opened by roballsopp - 4
Build `musllinux` wheels
#307 opened by richli - 0
Missing 1.6.3 sdist on pypi
#312 opened by mgorny - 11
Test failure with Cython 3 TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'datetime.datetime' and 'cftime._cftime.DatetimeGregorian'
#271 opened by opoplawski - 8
- 7
Unexpected results when not using separators in format code with cftime.datetime.strptime
#301 opened by mo-jareddrayton - 5
Support time units that are a multiple of second, hour, or day (with a reference date)
#300 opened by ckhroulev - 5
- 13
- 2
Future plans for the `longdouble` argument
#297 opened by spencerkclark - 3
- 12
Implement a `strptime` method
#277 opened by spencerkclark - 0
- 2
New Numpy Version Issues
#279 opened by mgrover1 - 5
- 0
1.6.0: pytest warnings
#276 opened by kloczek - 1
Inconsistent date2index (netcdf4-python #1155)
#272 opened by jswhit - 3
- 1
`date2num` raises Exception with masked inputs
#267 opened by davidhassell - 0
cftime 1.5.2 breaks Python 2.7 compatibility
#266 opened by dtasev - 3
Python 3.10 macOS universal2 wheel is not universal (does not contain arm64 architecture)
#264 opened by burnpanck - 1
cftime breaks on ubuntu:18.04 recently
#261 opened by daniel-mohr - 3
Feature request: Make a public property for is_leap
#259 opened by bzah - 6
cftime date2num not working after 15/10/1582.
#258 opened by reos-egoss - 4
Any updates needed due to CF version 1.9 is deprecating gregorian calendar?
#256 opened by larsbarring - 6
Calendar-specific datetime subclasses lose their identity after pickling
#251 opened by spencerkclark - 6
Comparing cftime.datetime(0, 0, 0, calendar=None)
#248 opened by bjlittle - 7
Performance : speeding up pickling of cftime arrays
#253 opened by aulemahal - 10
Implement matplotlib converters?
#247 opened by aulemahal - 4
Add support to release aarch64 wheels
#243 opened by odidev - 3
Utime Replacement Method
#241 opened by camposeddie - 4
revisiting support for negative and zero years
#233 opened by jswhit - 6
comparing vs. subtracting different calendars
#236 opened by mathause - 5
no v1.3.1 wheel for win32 py36
#224 opened by amoodie - 5
- 2