- ameneslife
- astrojuanlu@kedro-org
- bekoziAlteryx
- cgohlkeIrvine, California
- ClariNerd617Everywhere and Nowhere
- davidhassell
- dnowacki-usgsU.S. Geological Survey
- fmaussionUniversity of Bristol
- hammer
- holishingNCKU
- jhamman@earth-mover
- kinowBarcelona Supercomputing Center
- kleineeBangkok
- ks905383IRI, Columbia, LDEO
- kuchaaleAustria
- LemingVan
- mdklatt
- MeteoBoy4
- mmngreco@seedtag
- mnichol3Virginia
- muszyna25Oxford, UK
- mwtoewsGNS Science
- Olnavy
- pelsonGeneva
- peterkuma
- rabernatEarthmover PBC
- sadielbartholomewNational Centre for Atmospheric Science and University of Reading
- schwehrGoogle
- shaunwbell@NOAA-PMEL
- shoyer@google
- souravsingh
- spencerahillEarth and Atmospheric Sciences, City College of New York
- spencerkclark@ai2cm / @NOAA-GFDL
- syadur-killaKnowledge, Information and Learning for Local Adaptation (KILLA)
- vinay0000
- zmoon@noaa-oar-arl