
The code that runs on the Arduino Uno to control the arm

Primary LanguageC++

Arm Code Overview


Stepper motors are controlled by A4988 Driver. StepperC (stepper custom) is source code from the original Arduino Stepper library. StepperC is to be re-written with the assumption that stepper motors are being controlled by the A4988 Driver. The stepper class will have functions to allow for radian control of motors.


motor class

  • top and bottom bounds for radian
  • polymorph to allow DC motor
  • when given an angle, motors perform all required calculations to get there

Arm class

  • 5 instances of motor class
    • base stepper
    • elbow stepper
    • wrist stepper
    • etc
  • write armTo function, considering bounds

Possible Problems

  • stepper code might not work after an hour (micros() max value)
  • only one motor will move at a time
  • delay into step motor might not be correct?