Mostly bashful script for gene sharing matrix. Input is a directory with one file per genome, where each file is multi fasta with amino acid sequences of that genomes predicted proteins. Sequences are clsutered (CD-HIT) at supplied criteria. Output is a general gene sharing matrix. is from CD-HIT. *.env file specifics the given positional argument used, which are:
Positional arguments:
- Threads
- Memory in Mb
- output directory
- Input directory (one file *.faa file per genome)
- Water mark passed to .env (e.g. "some quoted text").
- Minimal id for preclustering sequence collapsing (suggested >= 0.7)
- Minimal coverage for preclustering (suggested >= 0.75) (-aS in cd-hit, aligment coverage of the smaller seq)
- Output similarity ("Sym") or dissimilarity (Not "Sym").