Develop a comprehensive simulation and control system for a SCARA (Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm) robot using ROS2 and Gazebo

Primary LanguageMakefile

SCARA Robot: Simulation, Kinematics, and Control


Develop a comprehensive simulation and control system for a SCARA (Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm) robot using ROS2 and Gazebo. This project encompasses:

  1. 3D Simulation: Build and visualize the robot in Gazebo and RViz.
  2. Kinematics: Implement forward and inverse kinematics for precise positioning.
  3. Controllers: Design position and velocity controllers for smooth operation.
  4. Velocity Kinematics: Develop forward and inverse velocity kinematics for dynamic motion planning.

Dive into the world of robotics, combining theoretical concepts with practical implementation to create a fully functional virtual SCARA robot!

For part 1:

$ cd cat_ws
$ colcon build
$ . install/setup.bash
$ ros2 launch rrbot_gazebo rrbot_world.launch.py

For part 2: Stop the gazebo now and in the same terminal run

$ ros2 launch rrbot_description view_robot.launch.py

This should open an rviz window with the trackbar for the joints to set there positions. Now in a new terminal

$ cd proj_ws
$ colcon build
$ . install/setup.bash
$ ros2 run FK listener

In another terminal:

$ cd proj_ws
$ colcon build
$ . install/setup.bash
$ ros2 topic echo /h_mat

For Part 3: Stop all the terminals and to start for part C in any of previous terminals run:

$ ros2 run py_srvcli service

And in any of the other two terminals that were opened previous run:

$ ros2 service call Inverse_Kinematics ikinterface/srv/Ik '{a: 2, b: 0,c: 1}'

You can vary the values for a, b and c values to test the inverse kinematics

Position Controller:

Part 1: Position Controller Open a terminal Inside the proj_ws folder, code for Pd controller is written in Foundation_Project, in the folder py_srvcl, traj_follow.py Spawn the gazebo robot

ros2 launch rrbot_gazebo rrbot_world.launch.py

In another terminal Run the Service

ros2 run py_srvcli service

In another terminal Run Service Call to send data to service

ros2 service call q_ref ikinterface/srv/Ref '{a: 1, b: 2, c: 0}'

Veloity Kinematics and Controller: Part 1: Velocity Level Kinematics Open a terminal Inside the catkin_ws folder, code for Velocity level kinematics and Velocity Controller is written in Foundation_Project, in the folder py_srvcli, control_velocity.py Spawn the gazebo robot

ros2 launch rrbot_gazebo rrbot_world.launch.py

In another terminal Run the Service

ros2 run py_srvcli control

In another terminal Run Service Call to send data to service for Forward Velocity Kinematics

ros2 service call Forward_Velocity_Kinematics ikinterface/srv/Fvel '{joint1_vel: 1, joint2_vel: 2,
joint3_vel: 0}'

Run Service Call to send data to service for Inverse Velocity Kinematics

ros2 service call Inverse_Velocity_Kinematics ikinterface/srv/Ivel '{endeff_vel_x: 1,
endeff_vel_y: 2, endeff_vel_z: 0}'

Part 2: Velocity Controller Open a terminal Inside the catkin_ws folder, code for Velocity level kinematics and Velocity Controller is written in Foundation_Project, in the folder py_srvcli, control_velocity.py Spawn the gazebo robot

ros2 launch rrbot_gazebo rrbot_world.launch.py

In another terminal Run the Service

ros2 run py_srvcli control

In another terminal Run Service Call to send data to service for Inverse Velocity Kinematics

ros2 service call Inverse_Velocity_Kinematics ikinterface/srv/Ivel '{endeff_vel_x: 1,
endeff_vel_y: 2, endeff_vel_z: 0}

Open a terminal Inside the catkin_ws folder, code for Velocity level kinematics and Velocity Controller is written in Foundation_Project, in the folder py_srvcli, control_velocity.py Spawn the gazebo robot

ros2 launch rrbot_gazebo rrbot_world.launch.py

In another terminal Run the Service

ros2 run py_srvcli control

In another terminal Run Service Call to send data to service for Inverse Velocity Kinematics Here we want to test different cases of end effector velocity

ros2 service call Inverse_Velocity_Kinematics ikinterface/srv/Ivel '{endeff_vel_x: 0,
endeff_vel_y: 0.1, endeff_vel_z: 0}'