
Contains the production and development docker-compose files to deploy the entire set of EDA services

Primary LanguageMakefileApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



Contains the production and development docker-compose files to deploy the entire set of EDA services

Subsetting Files

In order run the map-reduce file-based subsetting locally, you need to choose a directory on your local machine where you would like to store the EDA binary files.

Setting up Local Files for a Study

  1. Set up directory
mkdir -p ~/eda-data/binary-files
  1. Copy files from web services on a VEuPath server. Replace and with appropriate values.
scp -r <user>@fir.penn.apidb.org:/var/www/Common/apiSiteFilesMirror/webServices/VEuPathDB/<current-build>/edaBinaryFiles/<study-name> ~/eda-data
  1. Set the binary files environment variables

Container Deployment


In order to deploy the EDA stack locally, the following is required:


Docker must be installed on your local machine, this can be done by following these instructions.


Traefik is required to expose your docker services to your local machine. This can be run by cloning the VEuPathDB traefik repository and running docker-compose up -d from within its root directory.


Sshuttle allows your docker services (and local machine in general) to communicate with the necessary databases. This can be run by cloning the VEuPathDB sshuttle repository.

Before running, you will need to update the sshuttle.conf file to specify a valid remote host. Note that the default configuration may contain a host that no longer exists. Once you have set the configuration, run

./sshuttle.sh start --docker

GitHub Credentials

$GITHUB_TOKEN and $GITHUB_USER environment variables need to be set to credentials with read access to VEuPathDB projects. See creating a personal access token for more details.

Deploying the Stack

1. Set Environment Variables

This step only needs to be done once, after this project is checked out. Run cp env.sample .env. This file contains sane defaults for all the environment variables required by the EDA services. Most can be left as is, but some values such as passwords, secrets and hostnames must be filled in.

2a. (Optional) Build Images

If you have made changes to any of the services, you will need to rebuild the image in order for your changes to take effect. For convenience, the docker-build directory of this project contains a docker file per service, that can be included if you have changes staged for the respective service.

⚠️ Any services which you would like to rebuild must be checked out in the same parent directory that this repository is located in. The convenient build files provided will look there for the EDA project source code.

The following command can be run to trigger the build:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.dev.yml -f docker-build/docker-compose-build-<service-name>.yml build

Note that you can include one or more services in the build by adding -f docker-build/docker-compose-build-<service-name>.yml for each service you wish to build.

2b. Deploy the Stack

Note at this point, both Sshuttle and Traefik should be running according to the steps above and your GitHub credentials should be configured as environment variables.

Bringing up the stack using the latest images for each of the services in the EDA stack can be done by simply running:

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.dev.yml up

:note: If you included any additional files in step 2a., you should include them in the above command as well (I think? I'm not 100% sure if this matters).

Running API Tests

Set up environment

Copy sample file:

cp api-testenv.sample.sh api-testenv.sh

Set the environment variables according to the description in the sample file.

Run the tests!

Note that the service-eda repository must be checked out as a sibling directory to this project.

make api-tests