Problem 1

To run the code for problem 1 following packages are needed:

python3, OpenCV, numpy, matplotlib, scipy.spatial.transform, itertools

Steps to run the code:

  1. Place the files python3 and project2.avi in same folder
  2. On the terminal change the directory where above two files are placed.
  3. Run the below command. This will run the code. The results will be displayed on terminal, graphs on separate window.


Problem 2

To run the code for problem 2 following packages are needed:

python3, numpy, matplotlib, imutils, random

Steps to run the code:

  1. Place the files python3, images_1.png, images_2.png, images_3.png and images_4.png files in same folder
  2. On the terminal change the directory where above files are placed.
  3. Run the below command. This will run the code. The results will be displayed on terminal and graphs on separate window.
