Pinned Repositories
Entry Level Software Engineer Automation Challenge
All challenges are under /var/challenge/levelN, where N is the number of level that starts from 1. All challenge binaries are SUID programs. Your goal is to run each challenge binary, exploit it, get a shell, and then execute l33t to elevate you onto the next level. You must start from level 1.
Compiler and Virtual Machine for a Programming Language Slice, a simple language created for the SER 502 class project
Solutions to the Problems in Cracking the Coding Interview Book using Java
The idea behind creating the game came from something which we played when we were kids and it was called Space Impact which is a mobile game series that was developed by Nokia. Space Impact is a shoot 'em up game and the player has the ability to freely move horizontally and vertically. We developed a newer version for the game with improved graphics.
Implements face recognition algorithms for MATLAB/GNU Octave and Python.
A web application to save the login details for all the websites. Main functionality to generate a highly secure password for the user for each of the logins. For the front-end development HTML, CSS was used and for the back end, Python, PHP were used with Apache web servers.
To Develop a system which can understand and recognize the American Sign Language(ASL) through human gestures using MATLAB.
A framework which can be used for positional tracking in mobile based virtual reality systems, using only hardware that exists on your phone and making sure that the setup is as cost effective as possible. We were able to successfully build a framework that in addition to allowing users to navigate in virtual world, also allows them to interact with objects present in these worlds.
VaishakVellore's Repositories
All challenges are under /var/challenge/levelN, where N is the number of level that starts from 1. All challenge binaries are SUID programs. Your goal is to run each challenge binary, exploit it, get a shell, and then execute l33t to elevate you onto the next level. You must start from level 1.
A framework which can be used for positional tracking in mobile based virtual reality systems, using only hardware that exists on your phone and making sure that the setup is as cost effective as possible. We were able to successfully build a framework that in addition to allowing users to navigate in virtual world, also allows them to interact with objects present in these worlds.
Entry Level Software Engineer Automation Challenge
Compiler and Virtual Machine for a Programming Language Slice, a simple language created for the SER 502 class project
Solutions to the Problems in Cracking the Coding Interview Book using Java
The idea behind creating the game came from something which we played when we were kids and it was called Space Impact which is a mobile game series that was developed by Nokia. Space Impact is a shoot 'em up game and the player has the ability to freely move horizontally and vertically. We developed a newer version for the game with improved graphics.
Implements face recognition algorithms for MATLAB/GNU Octave and Python.
A web application to save the login details for all the websites. Main functionality to generate a highly secure password for the user for each of the logins. For the front-end development HTML, CSS was used and for the back end, Python, PHP were used with Apache web servers.
To Develop a system which can understand and recognize the American Sign Language(ASL) through human gestures using MATLAB.
A guide on how to be a Programmer - originally published by Robert L Read
Simple Coding examples
Apache Kafka for Beginners
Coursera Machine Learning course by Andrew Ng
A neural network using MATLAB or Java to estimate the MPG (Miles per Gallon) based on some information about the car
Just for Fun
A Robotic face which shows Facial Expressions through movement of the mouth, eyes and eyebrows, built using Psoc for Software and 3D printed parts for the Hardware.