“VRNav: Positional Tracking for Mobile Based Virtual Reality Systems”
There are two main folders in the SourceCode directory; VRNav_Core_Framework and Unity_Project_Files.
VRNav_Core_Framework: Contains all the C# scripts that constitute the core of the framework. These files perform the functionality specified in the report. These can be incorporated into any Unity VR project, to implement our framework's functionality in that application. All modules mentioned in the report, Step Detection, Virtual Locomotion, Head Gesture Detection and Object Interaction are all implemented in these scripts. These scripts are not stand-alone, so they need to be integrated with a Unity VR project for Google Cardboard, for the user to test for functionality.
Unity_Project_Files: Contains zipped versions of complete Unity projects that we have built for the project. These can be directly imported into Unity Daydream 5.4.2. Exact details of the pre-requisite software necessary can be found in the Software Specifications section of the report. These Unity projects contain modified versions of the core framework, specific to the application. These zipped files can be extracted using 7Zip extractor.