
This is Real Estate Site build with Next.js with Rapid API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project Details : Real Estate website Built with NEXT JS with react dom,react and Rapid API to access real estate Data

Dependencies :

    chakra-ui       //for ui obects
    emotion/react   // for peer Dependencies of chakra ui
    axios           // for external api request
    millify         // large number of data to human readable format
    nprogress       // for loading bar
    react-horizontal-scrolling-menu  //used for gallery
    node js with LTS   // backend server

Commands to execute :

// it will initialize new next js application // with react , react-dom , next Dependencies

  npx  create-next-app@latest ./   

Next step to install all the 3rd party Dependencies :

"npm install @chakra-ui/react @emotion/react @emption-styled axios 
framer-motion millify nprogress react-horizontal-scrolling-menu react-icons"

//run above Commands in terminal

TO Open project in browser run following command :

npm run dev

After Running above command to open project in browser Type or paste Following url in Browser :


Happy Coding ☺