
There are 1850 repositories under rapidapi topic.

  • adrianhajdin/project_travel_advisor

    Tutorial created in collaboration with Enyel Sequeira, taught by JavaScript Mastery.

  • adrianhajdin/project_youtube_clone

    Build and Deploy a Modern YouTube Clone Application in React JS with Material UI 5

  • adrianhajdin/project_cryptoverse

    Cryptocurrency App powered by RapidAPI

  • adrianhajdin/project_music_player

    Master modern web development by building an improved version of Spotify. With a modern homepage, fully-fledged music player, search, lyrics, song exploration features, search, popular music around you, worldwide top charts, and much more, this is the best music application you can currently find on YouTube.

  • adrianhajdin/project_google_clone

    Google Clone App powered by RapidAPI

  • awesome-yasin/Media-Downloader

    Download Instagram Reels, Stories, Post, Stalk Instagram Profile, Facebook Public Videos, YouTube Videos and YouTube to MP3 converter, SoundCloud MP3 and Dailymotion videos. Made from Node JS Express JS, React JS and Rapid API.

  • Youtube-Clone


    A YouTube clone built with React JS, Redux, Tailwind CSS, and a Rapid API.

  • DhanushNehru/CustomCodeEditor

    A web-based tool that allows users to write, test, and execute code in various programming languages seamlessly

  • alias-rahil/lyrics-searcher

    A Simple Lyrics Finder That Just Works

  • dipayansarkar47/insta-reels-downloader

    Instagram Reels Downloader

  • bhushan2311/image_caption_generator

    An Image captioning web application combines the power of React.js for front-end, Flask and Node.js for back-end, utilizing the MERN stack. Users can upload images and instantly receive automatic captions. Authenticated users have access to extra features like translating captions and text-to-speech functionality.

  • thecodophile/PlayTube

    PlayTube is a user-friendly video streaming platform with full playback controls, which I built using my ReactJS, Tailwind CSS and API based data handling skills.

  • Createdd/ml_api_covid

    This is the API Code for my tutorial article. It paints a picture for developing a machine learning Python API from start to finish and provides help in more difficult areas like the setup with AWS Lambda.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook234016
  • babblebey/travelAdvisor

    A ReactJS TripAdvisor Clone Web App made with the RapidAPI's TravelAdvisor API and Google Maps API

  • JourneyAdvisor


    Application which will allow users to find hotels, hostels and restaurants and feedback about those in whole over of world.

  • cjchika/realtor

    Real Estate Website Built With ReactJs and Tailwindcss: Features - Property Listing, Property Details, Testimonial, FAQs, Blogs | Populates data from Open Source Real Estate API

  • Muhammadali-Akbarov/search-bot

    🟢 TGBot for Search Any Image with GO 2022-08

  • Pedram26/wasteZero

    Uses Deep Learning to Sort Wastes into their Corresponding Trash Categories

  • kwame-mintah/bionic-speed-reader-browser-extension

    A simple chrome extension using Bionic Reading (BR®) API.

  • Andrew-Tsegaye/Project_AI_Summarizer_App

    The Project AI Summarizer App is a powerful tool that harnesses the capabilities of AI to provide efficient and accurate text summarization. It utilizes advanced natural language processing models to analyze the input text and generate a condensed summary that captures the essential information.

  • hemang-2001/smartube

    SmarTube Its a youtube clone with additional features and well maintained. | please star the repo if you liked it and create a issue if you need any help or suggestion idea for this project.

  • arnab2001/Coinverse

    Crypto tracker dashboard

  • pandas_transform_format


    Example for creating an API from start to end

    Language:Jupyter Notebook16308
  • iyanuashiri/Tweet-Bot

    This is a Twitter bot that tweets inspiring quotes. Click on the link to learn how to build a Twitter bot

  • boularbahsmail/Real-Estate-App

    Real Estate Web App to explore Renting/Buying apartments and villas.., Built using Next.js, Chakra-UI and RapidAPI.

  • iqballa24/real-estate

    Real Estate application built with Next JS typescript + chakra UI

  • Kabuswe/Cloud-Web-Scraping

    An autonomous cloud based web scraper

  • Shriansh2002/real-estate

    A Real Estate React & Next.js Application with RapidAPI

  • fatihozoglu/vue-stock-market-app

    An app that you can search for stock symbols and check daily, weekly and monthly open, high, low, close and volume data belongs to the searched company stock.

  • Osama-NA/Health-and-Fitness-Website

    Health and fitness website built with React

  • emredkyc/exercise_app

    This is a Exercise App that was built using Rapid API and is a PWA web app. It shows different exercises for gym freak as well as videos of each and every exercise with full details of the exercises with great explanation.

  • GingerDragon7/react_travel_advisor

    A Travel companion app using Google Maps API, Travel Search and Weather API

  • yanovsk/pnyx

    🚀 All-in-one Cryptocurrency dashboard using React, Redux and RapidAPI

  • Mic-360/link-short-hacktoberfest2022

    HacktoberFest: Link Shortener with Next js and Vercel Edge Functions using PlanetScaleDB, TypeScript and Prisma

  • preciousimo/musik

    Musik is improved version of Spotify. With a modern homepage, fully-fledged music player, search, lyrics, song exploration features, search, popular music around you, worldwide top charts, and much more.

  • Prince-Codemon/Gym-Exercise-Website

    A Gym Exercise Website which gives detail you about every exercises. You can explore all exercise present in world in a very interactive way. This Website is made using React And Rapid Api. And a Special Thanks To @javascript_mastery for mentoring me to make this beautiful website.
