- 5
- 0
Swiper is not responsive for mobile view
#95 opened by deepbeatz - 1
Language Translator(Phase 2)
#99 opened by priyanka1551 - 1
Add Contact Us page
#104 opened by TuhinBanerjee31 - 1
Adding About Us page to the Website
#103 opened by pooranjoyb - 0
[Fix]: the back to top button is not fixed
#102 opened by deepbeatz - 5
Update with screenshot of site
#96 opened by arnab2001 - 3
Add scroll back to top button in every page
#76 opened by zugzwang03 - 2
Redesigning the crypto stats section
#65 opened by SakshiShah29 - 2
[UI] Revamp Colors based on new logo
#84 opened by eddybank - 2
Create Error Page
#89 opened by TuhinBanerjee31 - 5
- 2
Add more testing with Cypress
#82 opened by arnab2001 - 2
adding swiper to global crypto stats cards
#91 opened by deepbeatz - 1
ui enhancement of page cointaining the graph and details of a coin; adding hover animations to some elements
#81 opened by deepbeatz - 2
- 5
FIX: Sticky navbar and header
#74 opened by arnab2001 - 2
- 4
Fix: News cards in dark theme
#60 opened by arnab2001 - 17
Design a logo for Converse
#20 opened by arnab2001 - 10
[OPEN][UPDATE]: Stick Navbar And Sidebar both
#31 opened by AbhiPatel10 - 2
Screen Size
#62 opened by suman-tewary - 1
Add badges in readme
#86 opened by khushimarothi - 0
- 1
footer is not responsive in mobile view
#54 opened by deepbeatz - 0
content going out of screen (layout bug)
#67 opened by deepbeatz - 3
Improving the UI
#49 opened by SakshiShah29 - 6
- 6
News Api
#29 opened by JasonDsouza212 - 1
Footer issue
#57 opened by ritika728 - 8
- 3
favicon is not visible
#35 opened by abhijain2003 - 2
improving footer design
#45 opened by deepbeatz - 2
Line Chart Dates
#38 opened by eddybank - 5
- 9
add testing with Cypress
#8 opened by arnab2001 - 6
Adding zoom effect (on hover) on the coin cards of "top 10 cryptocurrencies of the world"
#32 opened by deepbeatz - 8
beautify Global Crypto stats section
#21 opened by arnab2001 - 5
- 12
- 3
Features - Add global dark theme with switch.
#12 opened by arnab2001 - 1
Add a custom scrollbar
#17 opened by zugzwang03 - 1
Add a custom scrollbar
#18 opened by zugzwang03 - 6
Fix typos and improvements in
#9 opened by arnab2001 - 0
- 1
- 1