Master modern web development by building an improved version of Spotify. With a modern homepage, fully-fledged music player, search, lyrics, song exploration features, search, popular music around you, worldwide top charts, and much more, this is the best music application you can currently find on YouTube.
- 4
vite' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
#34 opened by kotarouryuchi - 4
Spotify Clone 2.0 Responsive Layout Issue
#15 opened by JCookDev - 2
Lyrics not found
#42 opened by zhane123 - 1
API Problems
#43 opened by Mabast1 - 4
Npm run dev - ERR dev not found
#40 opened by MeggaBug - 1
Browser console show 403 error
#39 opened by Tejas1674 - 3
TopPlay issue --> Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')
#35 opened by eleazarmercader - 4
- 1
- 1
artist id appears undefined in route link
#26 opened by pupsb - 14
Mobile issue
#37 opened by aniket-kes - 2
Song Details Not available
#36 opened by aniket-kes - 23
get artist details rapid api..version 2 is working but how to implement
#20 opened by githubsayan7776969 - 2 is not a function
#31 opened by ChimexOji - 5
The Source is not being fetched
#30 opened by shivam-jha2712 - 2
VM325 react_devtools_backend.js:4012 Warning: Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop.
#32 opened by kirizarry47 - 3
No search bar or menu on mobile devices
#8 opened by Newbie814 - 1
Shazam core api premium
#33 opened by Intersteller-AI - 0
- 3
netlify deploy problem
#3 opened by uchiha-suraj - 0
Error occurred in the <TopPlay> component
#28 opened by Soham-0047 - 5
Not showing any data
#19 opened by aqib112 - 2
Swiper not working in TopPlay component
#25 opened by tynoschuck - 1
Artist details is not being rendered
#22 opened by shivam-jha2712 - 6
- 2
Related songs play button not working
#23 opened by Dev-Dannie - 1
Song Details Component not rendering
#21 opened by PavanKalyan717 - 2
Artist Details Page not showing Related Songs
#17 opened by vinaybhamre - 3
Discover page doesn't fetch anything....
#18 opened by Cyb3r7ron - 3
- 2
Not able to load the lyrics
#16 opened by Tannish - 2
music playerwont work
#6 opened by kohandani - 3
- 0
- 0
- 0
UX issue on sidebar nav clicks.
#9 opened by Newbie814 - 0
NavBar on Mobile
#7 opened by anersisian - 1
DetailsHeader.jsx Line 38 contains an extra div that causes the component to not render as expected.
#1 opened by pedrouzcategui