Build and Deploy a Modern YouTube Clone Application in React JS with Material UI 5
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most of the dependencies are deprecated
#39 opened by shivamalk-23 - 0
Uncaught runtime errors
#38 opened by DHRUV8419 - 1
Data is not fetching
#37 opened by mariaadil - 1
- 5
- 2
- 1
Error in Videos.jsx component
#32 opened by DevHash28 - 0
Features to login to a Google account (YouTube channel) and monetize it from the app
#33 opened by joeyoropesa-dev - 4
Request failed with status code 429
#26 opened by Akhil-Sharma-26 - 0
Error with the video components
#30 opened by Alea-Tennu - 12
Videos array Not showing
#10 opened by hassannaveed327 - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
Using vite instead of CRA
#25 opened by Khateebxtreme - 1
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Same video for every channel
#20 opened by vandana001 - 0
Someone help me to fix this error
#21 opened by rishukumar72 - 0
Empty divs between videos
#18 opened by heidenreich20 - 1
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<' (at constants.js?t=1675529881066:18:24)
#19 opened by krishnadev7 - 2
This issue is killing me
#13 opened by godofthedeath - 1
Compiled with warnings causes by `index.css`
#9 opened by xxrjun - 1
Responsive Typography error while rendering the channel title in VideoDetail.jsx page
#4 opened by iampsr8