
Primary LanguageCMakeMIT LicenseMIT

Home Service Robot

ROS packages for making a home service robot to reach multiple navigation goals

Instructions for use :

git clone https://github.com/Vamsi-IITI/home_service_robot.git
cd home_service_robot
source devel/setup.bash

For gnome terminal :


For xterm terminal :


Note :

If robot fails to perform its tasks , increasing tolerance value in virtual_object.cpp file in home_service_package will help.Or re-run the script.

Video Demo :


Brief Explanation

Official ROS packages

Import these packages now and install them in the src directory of your catkin workspace. https://github.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/turtlebot3.git

turtlebot3_teleop: With the keyboard_teleop.launch file, you can manually control a robot using keyboard commands.

turtlebot3_navigation: With the turtlebot3_navigation.launch file, you perform AMCL Localazation and do path planning using ROS DWA planner . Also launch a preconfigured rviz workspace. You’ll save a lot of time by launching this file, because it will automatically load the robot model, trajectories, and map for you and, perform localization and path planning.

turtlebot3_slam: With the turtlebot3_slam.launch file , you can perform slam_gmapping and generate map of environment

turtlebot3_gazebo: With the turtlebot3_world.launch you can deploy a turtlebot in a gazebo environment by linking the world file to it.

Packages and Directories

autonomous_turtlebot3: This package has world file ,map files , rvizConfig file as well as modified launch files.

maps: Inside this directory, the map yaml file and pgm file generated from SLAM are stored.

scripts: Inside this directory,shell scripts for gnome terminal are stored.

xterm_scripts: Inside this directory,shell scripts for xterm terminal are stored.

rvizConfig: Inside this directory customized rviz configuration files have been stored.

pick_objects: This package has a node that commands your robot to drive to the pickup and drop off zones. ( pick_objects.cpp )

add_markers: This package has a node that model the object with a marker in rviz. ( add_markers.cpp )

home_service: This package has a virtual_object.cpp , modified version of add_marker.cpp and home_service.launch file which launches virtual_object node and pick_objects node