
Project includes an R pipeline created using Bioconductor and Seurat to preprocess and clean scRNA sequence datasets, perform Principal Component Analysis and identify anomalous differential gene expression.(In Progress)

MIT LicenseMIT

Single Cell RNA Sequence Data Analysis in Cancerous Tumours:

  • Used single cell RNA sequencing databases in cancerous tumours from various tissues (oral, breast) to identify the anomalous differential levels of gene expression due to excess cell division.

  • Created an R pipeline using FastQC, Bioconductor and Seurat to preprocess and clean single cell RNA sequence datasets, perform Principal Component Analysis and identify anomalous differential gene expression.

  • Used the PARAM-ISHAN Supercomputer to perform biocomputational calculations on the breast tissue scRNA sequence database.


+ Vedant Shrivastava | vedantshrivastava466@gmail.com