
cocos2d command line tool

Primary LanguagePython






Vision of cocos2d-console

A command line tool that lets you create, run, publish, debug, etc… your game. It is the swiss-army knife for cocos2d.

This command line tool is in its early stages.


# starts a new project called "My Game" for multi-platform

$ cocos new MyGame -l cpp -p org.cocos2d.mygame

$ cd MyGame

# Will deploy the project to device and run it
$ cocos run -p android

Devel Info


cocos.py is an script whose only responsability is to call its plugins. cocos.bat will invoke cocos.py on windows cocos will invoke cocos.py on Mac OS X and linux

To get a list of all the registered plugins:

$ cocos

To run the "new" plugin:

$ cocos new

Adding a new plugin to the console

You have to edit bin/cocos2d.ini, and add the class name of your new plugin there. Let's say that you want to add a plugin that deploys the project:

# should be a subclass of CCPlugin

And now you have to create a file called project_deploy.py in the plugins folder. A new, empty plugin, would look like the code shown below:

import cocos

# Plugins should be a sublass of CCPlugin
class CCPluginDeploy(cocos.CCPlugin):

		# in default category
        def plugin_category():
          return ""

        def plugin_name():
          return "deploy"

        def brief_description():
            return "Deploy the project to target."                

        def run(self, argv, dependencies):
            print "plugin called!"
            print argv

Plugins are divided by category, depending on it's function: project, engine, ...

The plugins of project is in default category, it's an empty stirng "".

Comands Required

Please see this issue