
First experiment with Drupal! Fetching Content from Drupal database into React side frontend logic.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Decoupled Drupal

Technology Stack

  1. Drupal - Backend
  2. ReactJS - Frontend
  3. MAMP tool - server setup

Decoupled Drupal Project Diagram

Decoupled Drupal Project Diagram

Drupal Setup

  1. Downloaded and install drupal 9 and MAMP
  2. copy drupal files to Applications->MAMP->htdocs
  3. change file name in drupal->sites->default->default.services.yml to services.yml
  4. enable cors.config by setting it to true and ensure these values-
    enabled: true
    # Specify allowed headers, like 'x-allowed-header'.
    allowedHeaders: []
    # Specify allowed request methods, specify ['*'] to allow all possible ones.
    allowedMethods: ['*']
    # Configure requests allowed from specific origins.
    allowedOrigins: ['*']
    # Sets the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header.
    exposedHeaders: false
    # Sets the Access-Control-Max-Age header.
    maxAge: false
    # Sets the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header.
    supportsCredentials: false
  5. in case of permission issue, make sure that read/write operations are enabled
  6. open MAMP server and select web server as APACHE and put Name as localhost
  7. start MAMP server and open url - http://localhost:8888/ to check if the server is up and running

Drupal login/site settings

  1. login as required username (usually admin)
  2. go to configuration->basic site settings and create/edit your site details there

Drupal Extension settings

  1. go to extend and enable extensions - Serialization, RESTful Web Services, JSON:API
  2. also add CORS UI extension by downloading it from https://www.drupal.org/project/cors_ui
  3. In extensions section click on Install new module and enter the url https://ftp.drupal.org/files/projects/cors_ui-8.x-1.0.tar.gz and click Install
  4. go to configuration -> CORS Configuration in Web services section and Select box Enable CORS and save settings

Drupal Content settings

  1. go to structure->content type->click on Add Content Type then create Products content type
  2. click on Save and Manage fields, then create the required fields and save them
  3. go back to home page and click on Add Content for adding data to the fields specified in the previous step

Drupal View settings

  1. go to structure->Views-> click on Add View
  2. Provide a View name as required and check on Provide a REST Export
  3. After saving, go to the View that you created just now and Add fields to display in the JSON output
  4. you can alter the JSON output by using the Rewrite Results options for each field
  5. Click on Apply and later Save the changes to preview the JSON output
  6. You need to provide a path (url of your choice) in Path settings
  7. then change Access restrictions to Unrestricted and Save it
  8. Lastly, you can go to the URL path that you specified and view your data in JSON format that you added in Content settings

React setup

  1. in a separate folder create a new react application using command npx create-react-app react-ecommerce
  2. create a component Products in src folder
  3. use the URL created in drupal to display the data on frontend using fetch() and json()
  4. create another component Product to display each product by passing it as props in a loop