

This is an open ended test, while we request a few features how you go about solving them is up to you. The goal here is for you to show us some of your skills and know-how in react.


  • Set up a green field project using react and redux (preferably, you can use other libraries but you should explain your reasons behind your decisions)
  • Get information from an open api
    • We recommend using an api from the following repo.
  • Use redux to store and control your information.
  • Use the redux state to build a list of items
  • Allow us to load more items and delete items from the list using hooks.
  • Make it pretty
    • Feel free to use SASS or styled-components to style the application
  • Write unit tests. Writing tests is required for senior positions. If you are not applying for a senior position and still want to write tests please feel free to do so.
  • Deploy this project to a public url, this is to insure we can test your app and how it works.


  • Use best practices for react, and build your project as if you were to scale it.
  • Explain how you would improve the application and future plans.
  • If you weren't able to finish all the goals of the project, how would you go out executing them?
  • Explain your thoughts on the project you built, the Architecture of the folders, how you built the pages, and elements, ect.
  • Once you are done with your test please send it to the following emails:
  • Within the email of the test please include the following:
    • Link to the github project, or zip file. Github is usually preferred.
    • Link to the deployed project.
    • Links to personal website(s) and/or LinkedIn, and any other professional information
    • Write a short about yourself, what do you do, where you have worked, your interests, etc.
    • The position and level you are applying for.