- 0
- 1
Generalization for higher-dimensional data
#66 opened by awsteiner - 1
Documentation clarification of forward_kld
#64 opened by adam2392 - 0
Conditional Coupling Layers
#63 opened by rudolfwilliam - 2
Cannot have an odd latent_size (working with 2, 4, etc. , but not 3 or 5), shape problem
#62 opened by noetits - 2
- 3
one-dimensional coupling flows do not work
#58 opened by jackerschott - 1
Calculating forward KL divergence (probability density maximization), I get negative loss results on my dataset, is this reasonable?
#60 opened by IceColdwind - 3
Negative KL divergence
#44 opened by yarinbar - 2
Categorical Input Features?
#25 opened by fountaindive - 1
- 1
NICE demo?
#49 opened by K-M-Ibrahim-Khalilullah - 2
issue about ConditionalNormalizingFlow
#45 opened by WeianMao - 1
- 3
exp and sigmoid may cause inf.
#47 opened by guzy0324 - 1
- 2
- 2
Conditional Flows implementation / documentation
#41 opened by cranmer - 6
- 6
Remove Lambda's
#43 opened by gianmarcoaversanoenx - 1
How the inverse was calculated
#40 opened by jiaqingxie - 1
multi-gpu implementation
#39 opened by zpf0117b - 5
Putting examples in the documentation
#35 opened by kazewong - 0
- 2
Comments on JOSS paper
#31 opened by kazewong - 2
No community contribution guideline
#30 opened by kazewong - 2
More functionality
#33 opened by matejgrcic - 2
Example usage for images
#32 opened by matejgrcic - 2
Negative KL divergence
#29 opened by arnauqb - 3
Issue while computing the `flow.forward` function
#27 opened by h2o64 - 0
Implementation for spheres
#26 opened by odunkel - 7
- 2
- 2
Normalizing Flow vs Normalizing Flow VAE behavior
#17 opened by maulberto3 - 2
RuntimeError: output with shape [32] doesn't match the broadcast shape [1, 32]
#19 opened by maulberto3 - 4
Reverse using z
#21 opened by dgjung0220 - 1
ClassCondFlow example missing
#18 opened by maulberto3 - 1
- 0
- 1
Plotting Code in flow_plot does not work
#6 opened by plehman2000 - 1
Replication of comparable glow with papers
#5 opened by prclibo - 0
Tweaks for full testing
#1 opened by lukasryll