
Wash U Project 1. Javascript application using 2 third party api's (Google Maps and BreweryDB). User can search cities and find the name, location, address, and brewery website (if available) and save this information for later.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

screenshot of home page screenshot of page displaying search functionality screenshot of js displayed buttons

Brewery Finder

Group Project 1

Find Your Brew

Deployment team

Vincent Toon
Rafiqullah Nasrat
Jospeh Weidhass

Instructions for Challenge

  • Use a CSS framework other than Bootstrap.
  • Be deployed to GitHub Pages.
  • Be interactive (i.e., accept and respond to user input).
  • Use at least two server-side APIs.
  • Does not use alerts, confirms, or prompts (use modals).
  • Use client-side storage to store persistent data.
  • Be responsive.
  • Have a polished UI.
  • Have a clean repository that meets quality coding standards (file structure, naming conventions, follows best practices for class/id naming conventions, indentation, quality comments, etc.).
  • Have a quality README (with unique name, description, technologies used, screenshot, and link to deployed application).

Third Part API's Used

Open Brewery DB
Google Maps Platform

Things Learned

  • async and await: async functions run on page load/when function is called. await is a parameter given to a JS action so it is called whenever data is loaded/time is passed the JS carries out it's function.
  • use of reverse quotes (`): allows for Jquery inserts onto API links.
  • (/\s/g helps replace spaces: regular expression editing!
  • how to implement, place and work the google maps API: This was very hard and required a lot of steps but felt good to get the map working

Page Bugs

  • Needs more error handling on city search.
  • Allow for more thorough search instead of a 20 brewery limit based on alphabetical order (if possible)
  • Do Not Generate Closed or Planned breweries.
  • Allow saved buttons to load page on click before page refresh.

Plans for Future Changes

  • Make Search for Near button, that prompts (modal) you to search for nearby breweries based on your current location


  • AS a person who wants to have a tasty beverage
  • I WANT to see what breweries are in the city I'm going to and what is available nearby


  • If I put in a city to look at
  • THEN an available list of breweries are displayed
  • *!IF I want to find something near me!
  • *!THEN I can search by distance and what is around me!
  • IF I want to look back on what has interested me
  • THEN local storage can access my liked data
  • WHEN I click on a listed brewery
  • THEN a Google Map with Information Displays

Original Draft Framework of Homescreen

<<<<<<< HEAD screenshot of draft board