
A ROS package to simulate a simple 2D, 2-joint robotic arm with joint angle sensors, and calibrate the sensors using ceres-solver library. Install ROS here. The distribution of ROS used is Melodic Morenia.

Required Libraries:


Clone the repository into the src folder of a catkin workspace. Enter the following commands to navigate back to the workspace directory and make the package using catkin:

cd ..


Enter the following command to visualise the robot and write simulated data to file:

roslaunch robot_calibration joint_states_update.launch 

Wait until robot arm stops moving, and then terminate.

Enter the following command to start roscore, this is necessary for ROS nodes to run:


Open a new terminal and navigate to <your_catkin_workspace>/src/robot_calibration/sensor_data to obtain the name of the file which was generated with saved data, eg. sensor_data_1596547394.yaml. Enter the following command to perform calibration:

rosrun robot_calibration calibrator _filename:=your_filename


rosrun robot_calibration calibrator _filename:=sensor_data_1596547394.yaml

Observe terminal output to see results.

Offsets in each sensor can be changed by altering the values of the "theta_1_offset" and "theta_1_offset" parameters in robot_calibration/launch/joint_states_update.launch.

Other config options, namely frequency of joint updates and number of joint updates, can be altered by changing the values in robot_calibration/config/2d_state_update_parameters.yaml.