- 2
Q: Context protocols
#43 opened by mwpowellhtx - 4
Catalog path confussion
#16 opened by HolyOne - 7
#2 opened by gluck - 0
- 1
- 2
Trouble Compiling NGettext in Visual Studio 2019
#39 opened by c4tachan - 6
Load translations from *.po files directly
#25 opened by bugproof - 1
- 1
Net5.0 Support
#35 opened by Mxater - 2
- 2
- 2
How to localize DataAnnotiations?
#29 opened by HolyOne - 2
- 2
- 1
Allow to load translations from anywhere
#27 opened by bugproof - 3
Is there a way to load .po files?
#20 opened by kruncher - 1
Mark constants for translation
#26 opened by bugproof - 2
- 6
Code signing of NGettext.dll
#22 opened by scancircle - 2
- 1
- 4
- 2
- 1
How i can save catalog ?
#17 opened by ebadola - 2
How to add cultures
#14 opened - 7
- 0
f# typeprovider
#13 opened by furesoft - 4
- 1
Initialize Catalog's T class
#6 opened by jeusdi - 0
Migration to .NET Platform Standard
#11 opened by VitaliiTsilnyk - 5
Plural translation wrong
#10 opened by jlocans - 2
I can't get the plural string.
#9 opened by gomo - 5
Can't no longer build for Xamarin
#8 opened by NinZine - 4
NuGet package
#1 opened by Untit1ed